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The truth of being green

vocaloldfart 7 Dec 19

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Here in my little island, 69.5% of our energy is currently coming from renewable sources, with planned improvements on that going forward. We do have a fair number of green automobiles and power stations, but the majority of us can't afford going totally green just yet, but we are hopeful to increase that number in time.

Gas is very expensive here. Electricity is also expensive. Our utility co op is done a good job in using renewables as much as possible. Baby steps forward is better than sliding backward.


And when you factor in the losses during transmission down the power lines ? In countries where all the power is green energy perhaps, but there are not many of those yet, however if you do not sometimes move forward you will never improve.

We are lucky in Australia. Sunshine is one thing we are not short of. Hoping that solar or another non polluting energy will someday totally replace coal and gas..


One of my neighbours is purely solar. She charges her vehicle from her roof.

Would it not be great if we all could do it that way? With solar panels and battery storage, the cost of living is just a little lighter


There is some truth in this.

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