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Wishing everyone in the site a Happy Winter Solstice.

barjoe 9 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I am totally ready for the days to start getting longer and the temperatures warmer. This cold (okay, cold for L.A) makes me lethargic. I just want to spend all my time on a heating pad or under a blanket...

Gets way colder over the next 3 months, but there will be more daylight.


You made this image just for us? Thanks! Yes Happy Solstice and brighter days ahead to everyone here! Guess this marks the beginning of the holiday season for me.


To those who's toilets flush backwards enjoy the longest day of the year.

The idea of a toilet flushing backwards. Hmm. Sewage coming out at high speed and spreading itself all across my chin and face. Hmm.

(And yes, I have a perverse sense of humour.)

@anglophone Counterclockwise. I don't even know if that's true because I've never been in the southern hemisphere.

@barjoe I know, I was only teasing you. 😉 On a more serious note, I understand that water and plugholes is more complicated than just the Coriolis effect.


Happy ancient festive season, celebrating the return of daylight and warmth, to you too.


Tis the reason for the season

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