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LINK Zelenskyy: Ukraine War Would Stop If Russia's Vladimir Putin Should Suddenly Die

David Letterman asked the right question and got the right answer.

barjoe 9 Dec 25

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Bet you it would stop if Zelenskyy suddenly died too. Should test both theories simultaneously.

puff Level 8 Dec 26, 2022

I dispute that claim. The Ukrainian people would fight even harder if Zalensky were assassinated.

@barjoe Could the US find another mailable leader they would be willing to fund? Without US funding, this war is over.

@puff Without Vladimir Putin invading their country Ukraine would have no reason to fight. If Donald Trump (I'd be happy if he died as well) were still president, Russia would've succeeded and Zalensky would've been put to death. I'm sure that would've made you very happy. Thank goodness for President Joe Biden.

@barjoe This is how it will end.
Ukraine stay neutral and not join NATO and Russia return to it's borders
Ukraine join NATO and Russia keep the annexed territories after prolonged fighting
NATO gets involved proper with incursions into Russia, which is when China would move and it will be on for young and old.

@puff Are you really stupid enough to believe that? You believe the Rosita lies?

@barjoe For defensive weapons, Patriot missiles have a goodly range. Personally don't trust Ukranian's not to use them. If this happens, China will become super defensive
This whole Ukrainian thing is about NATO. Take NATO out of the equation and there is no dispute.

@puff Thank goodness for NATO.


Let's face it: the world is a better place when some people depart it. Putin is one of those people. It is possible, however, that were Putin to shove the mortal coil, someone worse could replace him.


Zelensky was a comedian and seasoned performer, sorry I cannot take the man seriously, to me he seems to be playing a part (badly) for the audience.
The truth is out there sadly we will never know it

I bet you view and read RT.

@barjoe Gee I wish I had the foresight to make a substantial bet with you. I'd be a bit richer now.
Sorry you loose on both counts

@Kurtn So long as Ukraine maintains resolve it only matters that the brave Ukrainian people take President Zalensky seriously. I don't think they care what some random wog thinks.

@barjoe So what have you been thinking then? Was it a random thought?

@Kurtn I think Vladimir Putin is a savage animal and it'd be a wonderful thing if he dropped dead (or if someone helped him die) How's that for random thought?

Did you think it yourself or did you read it somewhere.? If you read it, it cannot be a random thought can it?


I don't know who currently sits behind Putin in power. There are a few possibilities. Putin's death would certainly allow some to get them disentangled. Putin's buddy that runs the FSB (old KGB) seems enough like Putin to keep the war going, possibly even more brutal. That said, I believe there are many Russians who want the war stopped.


LOL. Granted one hears a lot of idiotic crap from thoroughly propagandized Americans, but that one takes the cake.

It's from Zalensky. I didn't know he was a propagandized American.

@barjoe Can you verify that he is not? The CIA and the rest of the global alphabet soup spooks have operatives in all countries.
With the prevalent use of propaganda and AI technologies, PROVE that anything we get from any media is the truth.
Do that and I will enjoy watching you walk on water or feed millions with one loaf of bread and a few fishes.

@Kurtn I found a local link for you. []

@barjoe I follow your lerad
Did they have on in your size?? Bit of medical advice, beware of aluminium foil, I has been linked to alzheimers disease. Try a substitute metal.

@Kurtn You're the one with the wingnut conspiracy theories. I understand all the Russian apologists on the far right. I don't get supporters of Putin and Russian aggression from the left.

getting back to the issue rather than your deflection
Prove that Zelensky is not working for the American spooks, An American purchase.
Prove that he isn't.
I have tried but cannot get any definite answers either way. I did however point out because of his past, i for one cannot take him seriously.
Go on stand by your claims and prove that he is not an propagandised American.

@Kurtn No way I could convince you even if I was inclined to. Arguing the obvious would be an exercise in futility. I suggest you buy the hat.

If you're calling one of the most provoked wars in history "Russian aggression" you've already outed yourself as a thoroughly propagandized American or NATO ally. Russia is winning the war, Biden and Zellensky want to prolong it until the last Ukrainian is dead. Why would the death of Putin make Russia fold a winning hand? And it's the US and Zellensky who refuse to negotiate an end to the war, not Putin. If anything Putin's death would make Biden double down on this horrifying war, not end it. Madness.

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