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Dear MAGA hatter,

Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 3

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Amazing how the democrats tend to struggle keeping a proven system running.

It wouldn't be so difficult if they could get a little cooperation from Republicans. Instead they get obstruction, distraction, disinformation, scapegoating, and tax breaks for the rich.

They've had 100% control for two years and haven't been able to figure it out. They just point fingers at the other side that has zero control after their crap policies fail.

@CourtJester Actually, the Biden Administration and the Democratically led Congress have achieved a great deal in only two years. They have much to be proud of. And beyond their legislative accomplishments, there was the stellar work done by the January 6 Committee, who laid out, in exquisite detail, Done Cheato's sordid plot to overthrow American democracy. And best of all, the American people recognize this. That's why there was no red wave in the recent mid-term elections, why Democrats increased their majority in the Senate, and why Biden's approval rating is in the mid 40s (an astonishing feat in a country so polarized!

Yeah CJ, you came up short again. But do keep trying, my boy. Someday you will be a man. 😂

Inflation, cutting domestic oil creating 100%+ higher fuel costs, interest rate hike, billions being sent to the Ukraine. The democrats have tons to be proud in screwing the US economy.
And considering the states with open congressional and senate seats, there was never really any big red wave predicted.

@CourtJester Trump exploded the deficit/debt with his huge tax break for the rich. That's the main reason for today's inflation. That and pissing trillions away in Iraq and Afghanistan (both wars started by the same Republican president; one was totally unnecessary and based on lies.

Raising interest rates is the best way to combat inflation. And the Fed is doing a pretty good job at threading the needle. Employment is high and the economy is rolling right along.

We need to get off fossil fuels ASAP. Climate change/global warming is THE greatest threat to national security this country has ever, will ever face. Bonus points to Biden for making green technology a priority. It's long overdue. We would be way farther along if Al Gore had not been robbed by the SCOTUS in 2000, but better late than never.

The fact that as a medical professional (?) you do not acknowledge that climate change is a major threat to human health, that particulate air pollution kills hundreds of thousands of people every year, that mass extinction leading to wholesale ecological collapse will do worse than merely wreck the economy but would lead to the collapse of civilization and may lead to our own species' extinction, illustrates your extreme myopia and lack of science literacy outside your own narrow field of endeavor. Were I a gambler I would bet that your main concern is your own pocketbook today, and to Hell with anyone or anything that threatens your profit margin. You don't really give a shit about your patients, or the greater good, do you? It's all about you. Frankly, you disgust me, CJ. Your being an educated person, one trained in science, I expect more from you. What a waste.

Not introducing crappy policies is a great way to not have to deal with inflation at all.

And my job isn't to "Care about" but rather to "Care for". There honestly are some that I don't like, but I treat them.

Climate change has been happing since the beginning of time and had everyone's predictions been correct, we would have all died 20 times since the 1970.

Amazingly, there has been zero issues from "climate change". We haven't run out of food because of cow farts, Aqua-Net didn't eliminate our ozone, acid rain has yet to kill anyone, The US has more trees now than we had in the 1940's, no government official has stated exactly how they expect to change the weather, and the ice caps didn't melt by 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005, 20010, 2012, 2015, 2018, 20020, and they won't be melted away by 2025 either. whether you give up your rights and pay higher taxes or not, the icecaps will still be just fine by 2050 as well.

At the end of the day, humans have a far better track record of improving lifestyles and mitigating environmental changes through innovation rather than paying higher taxes and changing the weather. Besides; I've been to China, Chili, and India. Why should people in Europe and the US change our lifestyle and pay higher taxes when Asia, India, Africa, and South America are the highest polluters on earth by far????

I mean, far more people die of extreme cold every year than from extreme heat. This is of course excluding illegal immigrants locked in semi-trailer at the border.

I'll change my mind if you can prove me wrong, but "CNN and the Democrats said..." isn't proof.

@CourtJester In order to understand this problem CJ, you have to step back from your superiority complex and admit that you don't know jack shit about Earth science. Everything you just wrote is wrong. What a mind if misinformation you are! Wow!

Here is a metric you might understand: the cost of climate-related disasters is skyrocketing. In the 1980s it was around $20 billion/year. Now it's $150 billion and climbing.
Don't believe me? Look it up.

And this is with just 1°C of warming.

If we don't act fast, feedback loops in the natural system will bring on a rapid upward spiral in temperature that we will be unable to stop or even slow down.

Who is that 20 billion going to???

And you haven't proven anything yet.

@CourtJester It's not my job to tutor you, boy. Do your own homework.

Who picks up the tab for climate-driven disasters? Ultimately, its you and me. Crop failures due to drought, heat wave, flood, frost, etc. result in higher food prices which we pay at the checkout stand. Owners of buildings destroyed by wind and/or water are indemnified by their insurance companies, but insurance rates go up for everyone. Short-term disaster relief provided by local, state, and federal agencies is paid for by our tax dollars. The increased cost to transport goods due to water levels in rivers so low that barges can't navigate them any more,...those costs get passed up the line to the consumer. We all pay.

Hell, they changed the term from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because they couldn't even substantiate global warming, but they still wanted more tax dollars and control.
Crops are at record high numbers,
I did my own homework. I'm calling BS.
To believe in climate change after 30 years of predictions of death and global destruction requires a very ignorant understanding of the facts by people that haven't traveled much out of their state, or their own country.
It's funny to hear about the doom and gloom though. I'll give ya that.






the Associated Press accepted “$8 million in donations to cover [the] climate.”

Amazing how that works.....

@CourtJester You cannot have read those articles already. Do your homework, boy.

@CourtJester FISM tv? Really? 😂😂😂

Did they just make it up?

@CourtJester I'm not sure what it is you want me to get excited about. That AP accepted donations of money to cover climate news? It sounds totally reasonable to me. In fact, it sounds like a small amount, and rather late in coming, given the vastly better funded disinformation machine of the fossil fuel industry, its "think" tanks, armies of lobbyists, and venal right-wing politicians.


In my area I'm one of the few people who can see this.

Maybe you could help others see (?)

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