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LINK Weed and Meditation: Can Being High Help Your Practice?

I like being high and I like meditation but I will confess to having trouble focusing on things. Even outside meditation. If it's the pot then oh well. I think that I'm realizing a lot more than I used to, and more mindful of my ego's imaginings, so more relaxed and far less anxious. Even when I am anxious it is lighter and of less duration than the experience once was. My determination is to keep smoking even though I'm concerned about dependence. I may change this determination at any time but probably not while I'm high🥸🫥

rainmanjr 8 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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It sounds like you have found a way to use cannabis to help with your anxiety and improve your mindfulness. However, it's important to be aware of the potential for dependence and to keep an open mind about your use of it. If you're looking for a reputable source of cannabis in Edmonton, you may want to check out dispensaries in the area, such as Dispensary Edmonton ALBERTA. They may have a variety of strains and products to help you find the right balance for your needs.


Pot may have some benefits along this line. I have memory problems and write things down daily. This is how I remember and I never give up on what I want or what I'm trying to do. This works for me. As for pot, I'm at a stage where all i have to do is breathe when I am around it. I will get as high as the smoker.


I don't meditate, but I do smoke weed whenever possible.
It helps. Not with focus, but with easing pain and improving my general mood.
I don't believe "dependence" is a thing, at least not physically. But that's just me.
Focus has never been my problem.

I think mood can become dependent on the THC but IDC about that (for now).


I notice a creeping brain fog if I use marijuana consistently. The good news is that the fog lifts pretty quickly (within a day or two) when I stop.


For some unknown reason the link does not open up.

Imagine you boarded an airplane and five minutes after taking off a stewardess announces over the intercom, 'by the way the captain is completely stoned.' You are about to undergo major brain surgery and just as the nurse administers a pre-med she tells you, 'I just thought to let you know the surgeon is all smoked up.' How would you feel?

I don't imagine anyone would say that performing a job which, if not done well, can extinguish lives under ANY form of mental clouding is fine. Driving is more common an activity than Piloting or Surgery so one of wider application and warning. This fine article also goes into how to measure if someone is high or not (and the legal implications of over trusting testing) so useful.

@rainmanjr As I am not able to access the article I am not in a position to comment on it. However, I do know that alcohol, canabis and various drugs impair judgement and reaction times which can lead to fatalities when operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle.

@ASTRALMAX I have repaired the link.

@rainmanjr Cannabis or any other drug merely produces a reaction in the greatest chemical factory in the world, the human body. It may be that stress is simply caused by our thoughts about x situation or circumstances. Of course, cannabis has medicinal uses and is used in hospices where it is sometimes given to the terminally ill.

As I understand it and maybe I am wrong, to truly meditate is to have no goal mind, that is, the act of meditation is the goal. Some say there is no journey because there is nowhere to go other than being here.

If you feel that it helps you then there is no reason not to do it nor do you need anyone’s approval. I do not smoke cannabis but will staunchly defend anyone’s right to do it.

I agree with the late Thomas Szasz who quoted and paraphrased: “Voltaire said: “I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” But who will say today: “I disapprove of what you take but I will defend to the death your right to take it?” Yet it would seem to me the right to take things is more elementary than the right to say things; for taking things is less likely to harm others than saying them. In a free society, it is none of the government’s business what ideas a man put into his head; it should also be none of its business what drug he puts into his body”.

@ASTRALMAX I am not looking for approval of my use. I thought it an interesting article with some good tips. I am not a Yogi, only a practicing Sage, but I think meditation naturally brings to froth the realizations which we are then aware of. Once aware we meditate on digesting them. Once consumed they provide nourishment rather than bile. Other creams are also likely to rise as we do.

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