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LINK All Flights Across US Grounded Due To FAA Computer System Glitch - US Sky News

Holy Shit! So there are existing fights in the sky during this outage. Flights that haven't taken off are grounded but flights that are en route hopefully won't be affected. How about international flights destined for USA? This is true breaking news. Not to be dramatic, but the last time I remember all flights being grounded was September 11, 2001.
FAA lifted ground stop on domestic flights. The glitch was in NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) system.

barjoe 9 Jan 11

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Atleast no planes crashed.

The problem was unrelated to aircraft spacing.


With technologies advancing at the speed of light..."SHIT HAPPENS". Thankfully it doesn't appear to be a hacker "at this time".


Good! Per passenger mile, air travel has, by far, the biggest carbon footprint. Until clean aircraft are developed, nobody should ever fly, except in the most dire emergency.

A single passenger on a Boeing 747 produces substantially more CO2 in 60 hours of flight than the average American automobile driver does in a full year!

Every ton of CO2 emitted only worsens the climate crisis.

The annual cost of climate related disasters in the USA alone has risen from about 20 billion dollars per year in the 1980s to over 150 billion dollars per year in 2022.


Shit happens.
This is to be expected with all forms of technology, at every level.
You pays your money, you takes your chances.

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