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Because nuns don’t randomly explode

godlessguy 7 Jan 12

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The one on the left is a member of a religious order, which she joined voluntarily. The one on the right did not. Important difference.


They are BOTH nuts for allowing makes to dictate how they should dress.

Conversely, the "fashionista" women are also nuts for allowing "fashion news" to dictate to them.

I had an aunt who was a nun, and would often wear civvies when visiting us. So her habit was more like a uniform than a Church mandated and enforced dress code. As for Muslim women, even those who “choose” to wear head coverings are probably responding to cultural pressures. You would succumb to patriarchal intimidation too and dress accordingly if your physical wellbeing depended on it. You’d be nuts not to.

@NostraDumbass I agree with you on everything except what I would do in such a situation.

When younger, I very much rebelled. I probably would not have complied, irrepective of the possible outcome.

@Alienbeing So you would rebel even if it meant death, as in the case of Mahsa Amini? Well, some causes are worth dying for, I suppose. Nevertheless, most people prefer to live. So I wouldn’t describe those people as nuts, or even cowards, for submitting to onerous dress codes.

@NostraDumbass Death never bothered me, I know its coming so why worry?


Nuns on the whole are more evil than the ones on the right on the whole. The reason they are not judged is people are stupid.


Perhaps you should check out the kidnapping, abuse, and murder that occurred in residential schools at the hands of the Catholic Church, particularly the nuns, before you accept them as being benign entities.


True nuns don’t explode but they used to beat unruly children in catholic school with rulers where I was forced to attend.LOL


True story


Honestly there's no difference at all.
Read about what a bitch Mother Teresa was, she was a different kind of terrorist that fed on suffering, at least a bomb is mercifully brief.
My distrust of religion applies equally to all religions.
You however seem to be more of the islamophobic type of bigot.

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