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LINK If Iowa passes a voucher bill, this guy says he'll open up a Satanic school

If Republican leaders in Iowa give millions of dollars to private religious schools through a controversial voucher program, there’s a chance it’ll support a Satanic school as well. That’s what non-theist Joe Stutler told lawmakers on Tuesday during a hearing for House Study Bill 1, a piece of legislation that’s being called a “top priority” by the state’s GOP leadership.

Governor Kim Reynolds and her allies want to spend $341 million per year to pay for students to attend private (often religious) schools. Usually, the biggest complaints about voucher programs come from church/state separation supporters, who don’t want public money supporting religious education; special needs families, who say their kids may not be accepted or supported by private schools; and LGBTQ people, whose mere existence is a black mark for many Christians.

Knowing that lawmakers were well aware of those complaints and didn’t give a damn about any of them, Stutler took a different approach during yesterday’s public hearing about the bill. He told the legislators he supported the bill… and that he would be opening “Little Devils Academy” (tag line: “Bite The Apple&rdquo😉 if the bill passed in order to spread the Gospel of Satan to little kids.

During a hearing on a school <strong>voucher</strong> bill yesterday, Joe Stutler told Iowa lawmakers he would open up "Little Devils Academy" to spread Satanism with taxpayer dollars.

"Satan wants your money, and I want a piece of this lovely grift action."

Full story: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]</a>
— Hemant Mehta (@hemantmehta) January 18, 2023

Good evening. My name is Joe Stutler. I’m a disabled combat veteran who lives in Marion, Iowa.

I’m here today… I would generally be opposed to bills like this because there’s definitely issues. However, watching the elections over the past few years, it’s clear that Republicans are going to have Iowa stay red for quite a while. So, you know, I learned years ago, can’t beat ’em, join ’em… And following some things I learned in Germany… when I was stationed over there… learning the lessons of the 1930s Europe, probably time to brush off my German, as it were.
snytiger6 9 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Sure, why not. If it actually "Satanic". a la Cuddy Cruiser's comment, it will fail. Not enough customers. Free market, y'know. And, besides, it would still be a religious based school, wouldn't it?

But if it is just a No Religion (no prayer, no referenced to religion, etc) except to discuss its historical impact, that would be great. Although most pubic schools don't preach that much to begin with. In other words, a "Satanic" school would crash and burn economically, an outright and openly Atheist school probably would be fine.


How about dog(god) school for K thru 12 grade teaching them how to walk with a leash and how to use indoor toilets!!!

With unidog bathrooms!!!


Awesome! I'd like to see "Atheist Academy School of Science" or something similar, where atheist parents can send their kids to learn, free from religious nut jobs.


That's it: drop a spanner in their gearbox! 😂


I would like to teach science there.


Support one, support them all!
The xtians gonna learn!

Tough shit. Them goddam Christians are too fucking ignorant, arrogant, self-opinionated and just too plain dumb to learn anything.


It would show fairness if they give money to the little devils school. I'm sure a lot of people will have a problem with it.


COUNT ME IN!! SATAN IS LORD!! (LMAO). let’s not forget Baphomet, Lucifer, Belial, Beherit, Sammael, Satan, Behemoth to join the party too!! Break out the beer and the shots!! Drink up!! Fire it up!! LMAO.

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