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Soooo, scheduled for shoulder replacement surgery the 14th of Feb.......looking forward to it, sick of the pain & disability.
Lots & lots of things to do & schedule beforehand, this special website guides you...little lectures, contacts, etc etc.
So today the new assignment is to schedule either an in-person or online "MANDATORY" 2-hour pre-surgery class.
I go to the website indicated, it says 'All classes filled'
I call the number, the guy says, "I can offer you a class on Feb 21st'!!!!!!!
Ummm, it has to be BEFORE the surgery, numbnuts.
This week is going great so far..........

AnneWimsey 9 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I sure hope the schedule issues get worked out soon Anne, and that you breeze through your surgery. This health care system we have is really the pits, but we just keep doing our best deal with it don't we? I'll be going in for cataract surgery in a few weeks and am looking forward to being able to see better afterwards.


Oh wow. I remember my mom had horrible pain from arthritis in he shoulder. I hope this fixes you up as good as new. Best wishes to you.


I think when you can't take it anymore is the perfect time for surgery: it will make your recovery less obnoxious. The system, however, will still be annoying. Perhaps they can schedule you with another facility? It would suck to have to reschedule the surgery ...


Good luck.
Odd about the class. I've never heard of that.

i had the other shoulder done about 8 years ago, very successfully, and had one knee replaced twice in 2 months (Fail!)
In all cases, mandatory pre-op classes.


We’ll be thinking about you…hope all goes well with the surgery…and the pre-op session too! Let us know about your progress.


Looking forward to hearing about a successful surgery. Perhaps you could call the instructor and see if he could send you the written materials for the class.

i am supposed to be able to take it online, which i find very confusing as why would that need a schedule? And how could it 'fill up'???

@AnneWimsey it’s a zoom type class probably ms Annie , that’s y . The whole thing I never heard b4, I will ask the ortho cats tonight when I get in . It sounds that depends the insurance u have . Most of them ( optima / Aetna / anthem ), don’t have that class rule I think .
Either way , u ve done the whole surgery b4 and u have an idea what to expect . Keep sugar intake b4 and after surgery at the minimum , and as I know u know , keep your eyes open while at hospital . I hope u have someone w u ? Question every med u ll be given , and make sure they include the ones u are already taking minus any blood thinners or asa etc .
I f hate surgeries , but it is what it is , when no other solution .

@AnneWimsey I have found that not much makes sense in our Healthcare system. I try Chiropractic and acupuncture before I call my Western medicine doctor. 😘 Hope all goes smoothly for you with a quick recovery.


Good luck and I hope a speedy recovery. I get a hip replacement next month. Ugh...


That seems to be the standard with medical issues right now. Everything is months out and the various things you need from one to get the other don't line up. I had kind of the same issue with my carpal tunnel surgery. The surgeon wanted to schedule it for a week or so after our consultation, but I needed to have some electronic testing done to determine the severity of the problem. Except that the electronic test doctors were only scheduling 6 months out! So, the surgery had to be put off for almost seven months.


OUCH! BUT...scheduling problems's good to have a plan...especially with physical therapy. Sorry for the pain but glad you'll have relief. Soon.

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