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I thought this one was very appropriate for those who still support Biden and Harris and think the US economy is doing good.

Trajan61 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Whatever it takes to be able to deal with this country's politicians and morons.......


Trump built a national debt so big (even before the pandemic) that it'll weigh down the economy for years



Sort of reminds me of deluded religious fanatics that would follow their Leader into oblivion

Indeed. Someone explained to me what kind of people could take Trump seriously like this: they like him because they ARE him. And then I was more disheartened than ever to have to acknowledge that segment of the population without compassion, integrity and dignity.

If you follow Trump you’re already in oblivion.


Every president in my life has done a fabulous job at protecting the rich, corporate America, and the Pentagon.


Biden/Harris record



Appropriate indeed


Speaking for the thinking world, we'll take Biden over the toxic poison offered by your fascist Republicunts party any day. Smoke that.


@CourtJester Because poison is bad for you, Homer.


Pass me the hard stuff, lol.


Sounds like the shit a majority of the ignoramuses on the main site are smoking

Some of these ignoramuses are proving your point with their Biden support comments here LOL

@nonbelieverx Yeah, I see David and Dave here are sinking into their mental depths of moronic despair. I want to feel bad for these people, but I just can't. They choose to be ignorant, and there's nothing we can do about that.

@Captain_Feelgood You could pull your head out of your anus in order to gain a fresh perspective.


That crook you guys worship is sinking into more legal jeopardy every day.

You mean this guy?


@LovinLarge That's exactly who I mean.


I heard a smoker say one day that they had scored some "Amnesia" . Not knowing what they were talking about, I looked it up. I wonder if he and Slo Joe have the same dealer? 😏 []

Not only patently untrue but exceptionally MAGA fools have Such a hard time hiding it, too bad so sad.......

Cry baby


Facts don't lie, but Republicans do. Regularly.


You’ve failed to substantiate your claim with evidence.

@tiredofthis1 lol

@tiredofthis1 How would you know? You haven't the faintest idea what evidence is. Anyone who admires Candace Owens is an imbecile.

@lori99 Hey Einstein, were you aware that there is a laughing emoji or is that a little advanced for you?

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