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I'm pretty convinced that corporations do major research studies to determine the most irritating, annoying, unsettling excuse for music and then use that as their "hold music"

TheoryNumber3 8 Feb 7

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The exception might be Hawaii based companies, which play Hawaiian music while callers are on hold. So enjoyable, it's almost annoying when the agent gets back on the line to talk business!


The Worst: Comcast/Infinity. Minimum hold 2+/- hours and the 'music loop' is about 3 minutes.
Could be the main reason there are so many serial shootings lately IMO.

That's one reason. There are maybe a couple hundred thousand more.... For example customer service reps who are barely comprehensible and have their headset on backwards


Especially government departments


I think it's the same music they blast in North Korean prisons.


Ships and cargo planes have massive storage spaces called "holds".
Could that be the real explanation for saying "hold music"?


They should hire more people


Because all irritating and annoying hold music sounds better when amplified through a phone speaker.


They want you to go away and quit bugging them.

Bingo . I have no doubt many people get fed up and either figure out how to fix it themselves or toss their device out a window

@TheoryNumber3 So true.

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