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I Should Be Killed For Going To Kenya Without a Visa! My former boss told me that because I entered their space without permission. The fact that I was treated like a king in Kenya and got needed info free of charge in 2004 was not part of the discussion.

It seems my former boss had been talking to a 22 year old Marine about lack of security at our Southern border with Mexico. The Marine said he could fix this in a week or less. Just shoot them dead when they cross over. Others will get the picture quickly. When I called this murder I was told it does not matter. Your border is then secure.

Next I was told that Biden refuses needed money for border security so our open borders continue. My response is that Obama and Biden were a team and Obama reportedly had deported more illegals than anyone else. If this is true there must be another problem.

My number one recommendation is that you do not approach national news or any news with your personal political party in mind and a political network then backs your ideas. To be true in the pandemic we would have to assume the entire world is reacting according to American political party ideas. We know this is false. Media that is oriented towards a political party view should be avoided if you want truth on any subject.

One man asked me how we would know the info is true. He's a strong Republican and he seems to want his info from that side of things. He does not get it. I can say one thing here. Biden will give the State Of The Union address tonight and I will not watch. Tomorrow I will get the highlights of it from a non-political source.

DenoPenno 9 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Some of this fascist talk moves on into the shooting down of the Chinese balloon. Some are saying Biden just wants to look tough and we planted that balloon. How could it have traveled across our air space without being detected? Apparently it does not matter that they sent balloons when Trump was in office but it never got reported to the White House. If that happened then someone is not doing their job. Maybe again Trump is the clue here. In an attempt to make Biden look bad people forget that China admits it was their balloon. Yes, they said that and any half way intelligent person would know that news media worldwide has picked up on this. American political parties do not control worldwide media. It would be so easy to prove that America is lying about this. Media somewhere would bring it out. China would bring it out as false themselves. WTF is wrong with people? Apparently Trumpers have to go along with the Chinese balloon being an American "plant" so Trump keeps looking good.

Adding this an hour later. I talked with my insurance agent and she says a "military man" told her the China balloon is a "plant" by Biden. She also says she is getting tired of Trump being used to support Republican ideas. It makes her angry and she is a Republican. In her circle of known people I am also a 'military man" but I make no claims about our defense systems. LOL 🙂


'Fine people on both sides,' again?


That's your first mistake. Conversing with fascists. They're too dumb to know that they're morons and that's what makes them so dangerous.

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