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I respect religious people who believe in a God that grants free will..

I don't respect wheh they go against that when it comes to abortion, but at the same time, abortion on demand after so many weeks is disgusting and could be considered murder..

My youngest brother just denounced God ,and i never really believed much in a personal God,maybe thought it was possible. But now i am pretty sure god is not a personal being.. and . We are all fractals of God..

But that's me .. its making sense to me...

The point though most of all is free will ..

Some atheist hate free will & have problems with it .. and they force the rest of us to live in a way that sates their paranoia ..

As they claim that it's all religious people trying to take away rights

laidback1 6 Feb 9

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Free will is a biblical concept that apologists have come up with because god wants you to worship him freely and openly without being forced or commanded to do so. That is where free will comes from and all it is. In reality you have the free will to rape and kill the same as those you did harm to have the free will to be raped and killed. We have taken the term out of religion and the bible when we view it this way. I might have the free will to marry Susie, but then, maybe not. Free will is a myth.


Prove free will.
You have limited choices with specific needs.
Free will is a lame excuse to blame the impoverished for their circumstances since if they made better choices they would do better.
Not everyone has the skill to write a novel while homeless and become rich and famous.
Such things require paradigm shifts that elude most.
There’s no merit in the meritocracy.
There’s no free will.

@Omnedon The future could well be predetermined, if we only have an illusion of free will, and what we think of as our free choices are also predetermined. And since we have no way to tell the illlusion from a reality, the whole question of free will or not, is a non-starter and pointless.

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