Does anyone on this site know of a reputable polling organization or scientific study which has determined that religious affiliation is diminishing worldwide?
This is a very specific question. It is not an invitation to post opinion pieces or surveys of isolated pockets of religious decline.
On average, as a percentage of WORLD population, is religious participation growing, shrinking, or staying the same?
I know what the 2015 Pew Research survey says, but is there a similar survey by a competing organization of equal or better repute that says otherwise? I would sincerely like to know.
Thanks for this. This is exactly the type of material I'm looking for. So let's take a look.
The first thing I notice is that both links refer to the same article written by a single individual, one Ronald Inglehart, who does appear to be a very credentialed scholar.
The next thing I look for is sample size.
Mr. Inglehart says:
“A dozen years ago, my colleague Pippa Norris and I analyzed data on religious trends in 49 countries, including a few subnational territories such as Northern Ireland, from which survey evidence was available from 1981 to 2007 (these countries contained 60 percent of the world’s population).”
This is compared to Pew's survey which says:
“Together, censuses or surveys provided estimates for 175 countries, representing 95% of the world’s population.”
And Pew's survey does appear to be more recent, but not by much. But the two surveys appear to have come to nearly opposite conclusions, so I search for any communication between the two sources and find that Inglehart spoke at a Pew hosted presentation, clarifying his position:
"It would be dishonest to say there is a global resurgence of religion when there is a lot of evidence, in fact, that in many countries religion clearly is declining. Nevertheless, I would say, as the bottom line, quite clearly, unequivocally, no waffling, there are more people alive today with traditional religious beliefs than ever before in history, and they’re a larger percentage of the world’s population than they were 20 years ago. The World Values Survey data make that really unequivocal. When I was a grad student, I was not at all interested in religion because it was so obvious — all the major intellectuals knew — it was dropping off the map. Why waste your time on something that maybe 20, 30 years from now won’t even be there; so why bother? That was colossally wrong, as we all now know."
Maybe Pew paid him off!!!
At any rate he agrees with me (and Pew) that the religious percentage of world population is growing. And I agree with him that the nature of religion is changing.
The question I have is, what does it matter?
There is alot of surveys that are commerciallly bias, incorrect and made up the last minute. I have more faith in my studies, experiences, BS detector and from my gut. When growing up most people told me they are Christian. Today, most people tell me they are spiritual rather than religious and guesstimate 2% are lying about it.
I don't have the answer you are looking for but I agree with Krish55. In America today I see a push for Christian Nationalism coming from the far right and those who are already god believers think this is in line with Armageddon and is backing their beliefs. "Therefore god" has sent these political people as part of his great plan.
Religious affiliation increases as people's problems increase.
US coups and invasions in formerly secular Muslim-majority countries has increased Islamic fanaticism in those countries. Older secular generations in Afghanistan Syria, Libya and Iraq now have descendants who are more religious and even fanatic - as a reaction to US imperialism in their countries.
Similarly, in Latin America, older generations that used to be socialist and secular now have descendants who are now attracted more to evangelical Christianity. This is again due to the US destruction of secular anti-imperialist movements. For example in Central America during the 1980s, the US supported death squads and dictatorships to maintain economic control.
If you are prevented from solving your social problems of inequality in a secular manner, you will turn to religious solutions.
Apparently you missed the part where person asking for a link said "This is a very specific question. It is not an invitation to post opinion pieces or surveys of isolated pockets of religious decline." It was the second sentence of his post.
Muslim majority countries did not act or react in relation to anything the U.S. did. Rather the U.S. reacted what they allowed.