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Ballooning Concerns

“Rebekah Jones tweet giving NORAD explanation for all these UFO detections :

“A quick summary of why all these UFOs are popping up now.

Call it Science Sunday… or Superbowl Science Sunday.
In spatial science (in this case radar/satellite data), we use techniques to filter out noise so we can identify objects in space (the abstract space, not outer space).
Think of it like trying to find a tennis ball on the beach using a 3d scan of the beach read as lines of text.
You know how big the tennis ball is, so you take all the data from the beach and tell the computer to find a round object that is the approximate size of a tennis ball.
It would take a lot longer to find the tennis ball if every small object on the beach had to be reviewed one-by-one. So we tell the computer to ignore everything that doesn’t look like a tennis ball.
Same goes with detecting aircraft.
We know the range of sizes aircraft typically are, and we know they move across space, so we filter out tiny objects that aren't large enough to be typical aircraft and/or are stationary so we can readily find objects that fit the parameters we set for things like war/spy planes/drones/etc.
When the balloon thing happened, NORAD reduced the filter sensitivity to allow smaller objects to pass through.
Now, we're picking up these small, slow-moving objects that had been filtered out before.
Back to the beach analogy: we essentially turned off the filter and now we’re picking up sea shells, coins and lost rings.
What the objects are and what nation/entity they're from has not been announced. They are simply unidentified flying objects (UFOs) at this point.
These weren’t necessarily launched or sent recently, we just never looked for them. Now we are.
And we’re finding there are quite a few of them there.”

skado 9 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh shit. Just heard a statement from the US government and Pentagon that these objects are definitely not alien. Of course that means they very likely ARE, because you have invert everything they say, just like I did 50 years ago when I realised that everything they said about the Vietnam war was a lie. It's called deconstructing American propaganda. " The truth! You can't handle the truth. You want us on those walls... you need us on those walls..."


The UFOs observed around military operations include tetrahedrons, spheres, cubes, and rounded cylinders (tic-tacs). The absence of markings suggests a measure of disguise. The conformity to this geometric protocol could suggest a military attitude, revealing a minimum of information. These incidents have escalated in recent years, suggesting that their activity is building. The subjects of ET surveillance are concerning: 1) Shoot-down of an ICBM test warhead; 2) Shut-down of ICBM launch electronics; 3) Activation of ICBM launch status; 4) Incursions into live fire ranges; 5) Incursion into THAAD missile facility no-fly zone; 6) Shut-down of missile-firing systems of an on-coming jet (Iran); 7) Theft of sensor-laden torpedo; 8) Taking control of a helicopter in-flight; and probably enormously more that hasn't been reported.


❤️ this explanation!


Yes, at any one time there must be numerous, balloons, trash bags, whatever sailing over America. As panics go, this one is pretty silly.

There is panic?

@MsKathleen Moral panic sense. Lawmakers demand Biden address nation on UFO incursions []

@Druvius This is why I do not listen to/watch mainstream news…misinformation from politicians.

@MsKathleen For sure, both sides of the aisle. I keep a toe in it though, interesting period of history.


need to calibrate for cheese dip aroma.


I have heard this and it is a very good explanation. Not at my workplace. It does not work there at all. The Republicons I work with all think Biden put up fake balloons and objects just to appear better than Trump. They laugh and joke about how it's fake and Biden did this. How incredibly ignorant. Since any of the shot down objects will be collected and examined you would think people would understand this is almost impossible to get everyone going along with it. From my viewpoint the Canadians and many others would all have to be in on this incredible hoax that Trumpers think Biden is pulling. China says they are angry their balloon got shot down. Is that supposed to be a fake remark too? Every day I am finding more incredibly stupid people.

I ordered a shake at 2 FF places on their apps (so paid for them). My housemate wanted the shake so I went to another when the first said they aren't making shakes. What was odd is that both places were shocked that I wanted my money back. The first place, BK, offered me a soda instead. I told them I wanted a burger worth at least as much as the shake. The second didn't even offer the soda. Just told me they can't make a shake and expected I would glumly drive away. I got really mad and the third girl who got involved handed me $4. I told her it was another .24 and she handed me a bunch of change. I made .63 from her fear of my anger. LOL.


That is a great explanation!

dkp93 Level 8 Feb 13, 2023

Sounds good but I'll bet very few buy it. FOX will broadcast this Biden nonsense and they'll buy that.


I'm waiting for the cyclinders to come crashing down on us, and then slowly unscrew and release machines to ray-zap our asses to toast with little green men at the helm. HG, where are you? Maybe you were right.


Until recently I don't think most people even know much about NORAD or DEW line.
My uncle worked on building the early DEW radar posts so I've always known about both systems.

Rush had a song called Distant Early Warning.

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