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LINK A Mississippi "trigger" bill would bring prayer back to public schools - YouTube

They plan to use "trigger laws" to force religion into schools...

snytiger6 9 Feb 15

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It seems primarly southern states think that prayer and religion will solve all it's problems. I hate to break it to them it won't.


I would go to school and openly pray for god to kill Thyself.


Yet another reason to abandon public schools? So, maybe we need to steal a page from the other side’s playbook: In the sizable religious sections of the U.S., maybe we need to embrace school vouchers and start founding secular charter schools as an alternative.

This is what I argue for now. Schools should be funded evenly, at first, and then by student numbers. If school personnel are so knowledgeable about how to run schools then they should start co-ops, like Winco and other markets have done, and show us. Religion can be defunded, or excluded, because of unproven historical events.

The problem with school vouchers is it take money out of non prfot public schools and put into the for profit private schools. The record of charter schools in reality is not all that great. When charter schools first started, they got to pick who could enroll and they only picked the top students, and surprise those top students had great est scores, at least for the first couple of years, which made charter schools appear to be a good solution, but after five or more years, charter school students don''t score any better, and often even worse than public school students. Except for the private schools for the rich students who manage to get charter school money. The whole gehind the scenes point of starting charter schools was to divert money from public education to subsidize education for the rich.. and it worked. Tax payers are now subsidizing private schools for the rich through the charter schools programs.

After more than 20 years of people rejecting school voucher programs, because they realized that it would just mean tax payers would be subsidizing the education for rich kids, the rich finally found a con that would let them do the same thing... and most people bought into it.

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