Let's keep providing believe the carp that Frayed Bear is dishing out about Russia and Ukraine. Here are some facts::
To believe that Ukraine has provoked Russia is like believing that a sane person would deliberately goad a big, bad-tempered bully that is always willing to fight at the drop of a hat.
In modern history, no northern or eastern European country has threatened an attack on Russia, carried out such an attack, or occupied one inch of Russian territory. In contrast, Russia has overrun, occupied, and controlled Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania. Latvia, Lithuania, and Albania. It also attacked Finland and permanently took away Finnish territory.
Why would anyone even want to invade Russia??? The country has little of value and is one reason they constantly invade other countries. Almost all of their ports are even frozen during a big part of the year. Would anyone with half an ounce of sanity think Siberia was a wonderful place to live!?
I blocked Frayed Bear a few years ago and never regretted it. He's a pimple on the a$$end of humankind.
We don't need to worry about Frayed Bear, he has been and remains easy to correct.
Don't complain about "Frayed Bear," you can always block him and if you don't that's your fault not his.
Just look at Russia. It's big. How did it become the largest country in the world? Certainly not because all the peoples / nations / tribes came to Moscow and begged the Tsar to rule over them.
Ethnic Russian only make up about the half of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, the rest are minorities.
Some people simply like Putin because he is so anti-Western, so anti-woke, and therefore they engage in all kinds of insane "theories" to prove that he is the victim.
Isn't that strange: that even the hard-boiled right-wing guys today want to claim the status of victim ?