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Wow. I think I’ve reached a milestone of sorts.

My deconversion process has went like this

  1. start questioning god just a little bit
  2. start having serious discussion whether god is real
  3. Doing research to find out if god is real
  4. realizing there’s a lot of discrepancies in the Bible’s
  5. quietly starting to not believe in god but also fearing I will go to hell for thinking like this
  6. getting stronger in my disbelief
  7. Finally coming to point where I think it’s all bullshit but staying quiet because I know the backlash of challenging these beliefs
  8. Starting to slowly talk to others about the discrepancies in the
    Bible while also saying “I’m
    Not saying Bible is wrong but it’s something to think about
  9. More you study and listen to preachers more you realize this is utter bullshit
  10. Get so tired of
    The bullshit you want to start calling out
    The stupidity.

I think I’ve just entered step 10. Can anyone relate to this

abyers1970 7 Feb 25

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Congratulations in finding your way into the light or reality over superstition.

When I was very young I found discrepancies between real world observations governed by the laws of physics and the nonsensical stories told in the bible. At that time I reasoned the entire bible "church" thing was simply BS created to keep children in line. I figured, like the stories of Santa Clause, all adults were in on the game and pretended to believe this BS to control youth as surely no adult could possibly buy into this garbage that contradicted reality.

Many years later I came to the horrifying realization that many old people (I no longer considered them adults as I had a higher standard for the adult classification) drank the cool-aid and believed in god/s. Funny, I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was visiting my parents back in the early college days, standing in their lower level 1/2 basement looking past a piano out the ground level windows. Every smell, object, person, all locked in memory. My view of the future world became much darker that day.

For a few decades I quietly lived with that sad realization that most old people that I knew were still drinking the cool aid. Then became active in trying to teach people how to recognize their folly for falling for theism. I de-converted a few and brought a few to tears when I de-constructed the foundations of their faith.

The most common outcome was for theists to become afraid and run away or shout nonsense like "Look at the Flowers!" - yea, that is one of the best argument they had to support their god. For most all god assertions I had a wonderfully wide set of arguments.

Now, I am back to simply recognizing the overwhelming frailty of so many people, how they have become so damaged by faith over facts. How so many have tied their purpose into serving their cult leaders. I have the tools to plow their field of dogmatic faith but I don't know if their ground is healthy enough to support life without their "god" fertilizer.

Perhaps if/when I retire I'll again mount the horse of facts over faith and drag a few more superstitionalists into the light of reality.


Oh man .
No . I was lucky . My father was an atheist and an outspoken man in his community .
We never had any gods or satans in r houses . Never had xmas trees or this or that 😂
When we started school, we were prepared to hear all about it . It was comical to my sister and my self . We played along enough to keep peace , but they knew us as “ the Diavolia “ girls .
By the age of 12 for me and 8 for my sister ( she was very advanced child , she entered medical school at 13 ), my father insisted for us to study world religions . It wasn’t optional . It was his request , and my dad wasn’t a human that impose on others , not even his kids .
He wanted us to study formal ways AND by r selves . I also took similar classes in college , just bcz I knew , easiest grade ever 🙌
As we red and red more , he added books of religion rituals ( both Catholic and orthodox ), and we never run out of topics to talk while playing cards the nights . We found the beliefs ridiculus at the very best , and hideous .
We grew up celebrating bdays and new yrs , and r circle of friends was small , near 0, bcz we were not believers . On the upside we were the richest people plus political power , so we did not give two fucks if they liked us or not , money talks .
One of the best things that my father taught us about religions and gods , was that people have to find their way or not, by them selves .
We did not advertise r atheism , neither hiding it though , and we did not scold people for their religions . Looking back is probably bcz r lives and life style wasn’t depending from religion laws , and nobody could tell us what to do regardless . In Europe , u can believe in gods all u want , but the abortion issue is nobody s buisness than yours 😂😂
My father started and supported several public institutes and facilities , and some of these r still running w his funds even if dead for 15 yrs .
My favorite was and still is the academy for the deaf and blind , bcz my father included a mini church for the residents . When I asked y , he told us , u don’t need Jesus , they do. It’s not about what u believe when u give , it’s about what they want / need .
That shut up my mouth for ever . Say less .
Until I came here on this site , yay , die Jesus die 😂😂😂

Marx referred to religion as the opiate of the masses and tried to eliminate it, what he failed to realize was that many people like opiates.

@glennlab yeah . 100% . U are right .


Mine was a little different and it wasn't precipitated by anything related to religion. It was about having good reasons for everything I believe and everything I do. In a long examination process when it came to religion and god, I couldn't come up with a good reason and abandoned it all.


when the inequities in the biblical story are exposed (seen), the idea of Christianity collapses. there is no longer a struggle to be convinced, or need for confirmation by others.


You are not completely "deconverted" if you call yourself agnostic or atheist.

You have just swung to the other side of the god delusion. The philosophical spaghetti monster sky God construct causes the God delusion and there is both the Christian side and the illogical atheist side to the god delusion .

Word Level 8 Feb 25, 2023

he's working on it. 🙂 takes time don't it.

@abyers1970 The above is utter nonsense. Don't waste your time thinking about it. Not holding a belief in god is not part of the spectrum of one's level of belief in god in the same way that getting a hysterectomy is not one of the trimesters of gestation.

@Omnedon Word believes that agnostic is the only logical conclution. Since both belief in god, and non belief in god are beliefs. The agnostic "I don't know." being the only true non belief.

@Omnedon Yes some people call it strong atheism vers. soft atheism. Word though likes to taunt atheists all as though they were strong atheists. For your position, (and mine) I believe the correct technical term is "agnostic atheist", though I am not much into labels either.

@Fernapple I would more so say, admitting "I don't know" if it is not held true or false.

Atheism is a belief.

Belief means holding information as true.

"No gods exist, not a single god exists ". If a person holds this statement as true, subjectively in that person's mind or thoughts, that is a belief. Belief is the action in the thoughts of a person holding information as true.

Disbelief is the action of a person holding information in their thoughts as false.

A person does not transfer belief. A person transfers information and that information received by another person is then held by the other person. That person then can make the decision to hold the information as true or false, or just hold the information with out a decision either way. If that person then decides to hold the acquired information as true, them holding the information as true is called belief.

2 statements considered at the same time.. "Gods exist " and "no gods exist".

There is a middle ground, call it riding the fence. But, there is a decision for both statements. Each statements can be given the position "I am not holding true". We can understand one or the other would be true.

It's like standing a coin on edge. That is a position, neither heads nor tails.

"Gods exist" a person can say, "I do not have enough information to hold this statement true. " false dichotomy would require a person to then hold it false by implication.

At the same time, "no gods exist ", a person can say "I do not have enough information to hold this statement true."

The reason why "lack of belief" is added to most all atheist definitions is because the person wants to not hold it true either way, but they want the label of themselves to be "atheist ".

If a person holds information as true, we would expect them to have reasons of what ever sort for holding either statement as true.

If a person says, "I hold it true, no gods exist ". Their statement is easily burned into their assertion that "no gods exist ". When assertion is then made, people expect that assertion to carry the burden of proof.

The "atheist " position does not want the burden of proof that "no gods exist ". Yet, we see philosophically, that is the atheist position that "no gods exist ". So, "new atheist " want the label of atheist as just a label to show opposition to christianity but not have the burden of proof for the assertion that "no gods exist " .

In philosophy, however, and more specifically in the philosophy of religion, the term “atheism” is standardly used to refer to the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, to the proposition that there are no gods).


@Omnedon I understand leaving christianity and a de-conversion from christianity but I do not call myself atheist. As far as I am concerned, I do not specifically hold to the label "theist". If you want my statement of position I give that I am "not atheist ". Many people may want to label me then as a theist because I say I am not atheist. So then when someone wants to label me as a theist and then they ask me to defend the label of theist that they labeled me with, I label them right back with labeling them as a God and make my stance that the reason I am not atheist is because the person labeling me as a theist is a God.

@Fernapple they say, "knowledge is a subset of belief ".

This means you must have belief first before you have knowledge. It says, all knowledge is a form of belief.

They say, "knowledge is true justified belief ".

If the atheist claims "lack of belief," they have nothing that can be justified to be knowledge.

"Gods exist ", "no gods exist" what do you hold true? When you hold something true that action of holding information as true is call belief.

@Omnedon I do not point out the fact for purposes of promoting christianity, but the fact is observable that biblical gods exist. You are a biblical God. In short, Jesus of new testiment can be observed as a meme mind virus organism that evolved to mimic homo sapien form in the archetype of Lucifer the devil.

Evolution of Jesus style meme god organism is observable. Atheism by premise,"no gods exist "is proven to be wrong. It is not required to prove all purported gods exist.

You can read thru my group to understand how to observe the evolution of Jesus style meme God organism.

"Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity "

@Omnedon I did not post my word salad, but it is on my profile.

Otherwise, as to my comments above, I am sorry you do not display an understanding of logic. If you want to reject observable facts, your observable rejection of facts shows you to be intellectually dishonest. If you want to display intellectual dishonesty, I do not have to actually say a word about it, for your actions speak for themselves.

@Omnedon I am not mythological troll creature. Just because facts opposes your bias that is proven wrong does not make me dishonest for pointing out the facts that proves your bias wrong.

@Omnedon if you had intellectual honesty, you would not rebuttal the information I post by attacking me.

Please feel free to pretend that,I am your non-existent God, that does not exist and then address the information that was presented as if I did not exist.


I was thirteen when I distanced myself from the Catholic church. I got curious about LDS for about five month when I was eighteen and found they were just as full of BS.

As far as I am concerned the "Bible" is as much a fairytale as "Mother Goose", and that is how I treat it.

Betty Level 8 Feb 25, 2023

I think I tried very hard to believe at the age everyone gets baptized which was about 12 or 13 in my area. I was blessed to have a preacher who was not interested in helping me learn about his church and that began my journey away from religion. By the time I was 16, I realized it was a business.

I've told people I'm agnostic ever since then. Occasionally I tell people I'm an atheist because my atheist friends sometimes accuse me of being too cowardly to say that. I don't feel I really need to have a name for my belief system and I don't care whether anyone approves or not.

I do not remember anyone trying to encourage me to stop believing in the Christian religion. For that reason, and perhaps my own ethical code I don't try to convert anyone to my beliefs. Throughout my life I have noticed that most people dig in when you try to change their opinion therefore I think it's futile.

you need new atheist really I reckon...they are usually in not a more plentiful stable.


That was pretty much the same process that I went through.

I will add my own step 11. It is the enormous anger that I have for the Christian zealot and Bible literalist who was the headmaster of my primary school, and my consequent refusal to accept any religious maniac of any religious tradition ramming his absurd beliefs down the throats of vulnerable people, particularly children.

does it help that he was likely a victim of the same, choking on so much fear he never made step 2?

@hankster He never even made it to step 1. You touch upon the mechanisms by which this sort of evil nonsense is perpetuated. I could write an article on this, but this is not the place to put it.

@anglophone ok then I didn't know him. sorry .

@hankster No worries! If you never ask questions you will never learn anything. Keep asking. 🙂


Been there, done that!! I was a BuyBull study leader, and participant, and SS teacher, and church volunteer. And then I woke up. And got divorced. Not in that order, necessarily, but kinda went hand in hand.

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