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LINK Daylight Saving Time! New Bill Could Stop The Clocks From Changing

Experts say that Standard Time is better for our health. Daylight Saving is artificial time. It affects children's safety in the morning as they go to school. The US tried Daylight Saving Time in 1974; it lasted about six months, and was roundly disliked. I remember taking public transportation 7AM in the dark. I was in High School but it was scary for younger children. Another thing? This bill is introduced by Little Marco Rubio. If he's for it, I'm against it.

barjoe 9 Mar 12

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Or just enjoy the movie. LOL


It's changing it twice a year that is bad for our health. Just pick one and adjust accordingly, like people did for millions of years.


Franco, dictator of Spain, moved its time zone forward in 1938, in order to tally with the German time zone.
This means that every summer I have to put up with the clocks being 2 hours ahead of "sun time" - and I live on Spain's East coast, where midday in sun time is actually 10 minutes past two during summer.
People on Spain's west coast are almost 3 hours ahead of their natural time.


Some states have already enacted permanent DST measures.



I live in a state that doesn't have daylight saving time. We have Standard Time all year round. We just change our daily schedules according to the season of the year. Axial tilt - deal with it.

Seems to me that if anything, it should be Standard Time that is the final word, not Daylight Saving Time.

People, businesses, schools and farmers can just adjust their schedules according to the light needed for their activities. That's my opinion.


DST is not a partisan issue, but it is a mental health issue. That extra hour of sunshine is best reserved for the afternoon when more people will benefit from it. They've been trying to pass this for ages, hopefully it will work this time. Hey, the Republicans are finally right about something!

When someone is driving in the dark during morning rush hour on icy winter roads, it might "dawn" on them that this is not a good idea.

@barjoe That argument is just as viable if not moreso when made about the earlier hour of darkness in the afternoon rush hour without DST.

@LovinLarge I remember going to school in the dark in the morning. It was fine to save energy back in 1974. If Marco Rubio is for it, I'm agin' it.

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