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How much truth is in this statement ? :

Fascism is Communism with religion

twill 7 Mar 22

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Being that both communism and fascism seek to establish state-controlled means of all production/business via one Party rule, I'd say they are similar. Generally speaking, communist regimes usually are upheld via a political party directly, although there can be exceptions to that, while fascist regimes usually have a dictator and it's not so much about a political party directly. Both are authoritarian and bad news to a free and liberal society.

To those who think your above statement is invalid, such a thing as theocratic fascism, also known as clerical fascism, is indeed a very real thing, and their style of ruling over the citizenry is eerily similar to that of the communists.-

Good information there, thanks Spike

@twill Sure thing.


What truth do you see in that statement?? Both fascism and communism have leveraged religion when they thought it could be used to their advantage. To the extent that religion is embraced by any political system, as favor is (unfairly) doled out to the loyal, fascism and oligopoly prosper. At least Communism takes the position that disadvantaged citizens should receive help and that the wealthy should be dethroned. Capitalism has no comparable ethics. Both systems COMPLETELY ignore the real benefactor (and threat) to Humanity, that being Technology. Both systems seem incapable of recognizing, much less stopping the corruption that infects them.

Communists might take the position that disadvantaged citizens should prosper, but do they act on it very well? Or at all? If not then you'd have to show me the ethics.

Technology has been playing it's role in humanity for 1000's of's been constant.

@Twill I'd say that technology has greatly accelerated it's role in humanity. so we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

As to the competence of the Communists to act on their principles, my impression is that they were poor at it (albeit better that in capitalist societies). The failure of communism seems to come from the same corruption that afflicts all systems, the placing of friends in power who are unfit to serve in that capacity. China's communism seems to be a step up from Russia's historic communism, but still inflicts severe thought control and intimidation. China's enlarging of it's middle class is a positive story but remains to be seen as to if it can be sustained (without becoming a new colonial power).


you are becoming more & more confused right before our eyes and it is getting pretty distubing....get some help

Please explain

@twill why not just go upstairs to the main floor and talk to your Mommy about it?

@AnneWimsey She's on the phone right now. Maybe later


I just happened to read a report elsewhere this morning that referred to the old Orwell comment that almost all English speakers would accept 'Fascist' as a synonym for 'bully'. I think that is a more appropriate equivalence than any individual political group.

Especially since Fascism as a word is derived from the old Latin word 'Fasces' (bundle) referring to the concept that a bundle of sticks is stronger and can dominate a single stick.

I think that any group that manages to get themselves described as Fascists will show 'bully' tendencies -- an 'us vs them' attitude irrespective of anything else -- case in point the current American House of Representatives.


None whatsoever, fascism and communism are almost complete opposites.

In theory, in practice or both?

I wonder if Reagan (& David Stockman) was acting as something other than a Fascist or a Communist when he stole people's farms ? Could you help me out Druvius ?

@twill know, I f you can't Google and understand basic definitions, you are beyond hope.

@Druvius hah hah, jokes on you!
I can definitely read all about the difference in theory and by definition.
How it works in the real world is, to say the very very least ....quite different.

Reagan was supposedly a capitalist, yet his actions towards the farmers was definitely Communist, possibly fascist.
If you can't understand that, I will accept it. Doesn't mean you are beyond hope

@twill If you ever get near a point, make it. lol


Very little truth.
Hitler, a despotic fascist, hated communists. He invaded Russia, the home of communism of the period. He was religious.

Hmmmmm......Are they supposed to like each other?

"Hitler remains a persistent mystery on one front—his religious faith. Atheists tend to insist Hitler was a devout Christian. Christians contend that he was an atheist. And still others suggest that he was a practicing member of the occult.

None of these theories is true, says historian Richard Weikart in his new book Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich. Delving more deeply into the question of Hitler’s religious faith than any researcher to date, Weikart reveals the startling and fascinating truth about the most hated man of the twentieth century: Adolf Hitler was a pantheist who believed nature was the only true “God.” (click here to listen to an interview with Weikart on the History Unplugged Podcast) "

Petter I've always been uncertain about Hitler's religion. So I googled it.

One thing i am certain of, is that Goebbels' vaunted propaganda machine was less about turning people into fascists, than simply connecting with their Inner Fascist, and therefore converting them to Fascism, i.e. The Nazi Party. What do you suppose was the connective tissue for the tribalism, hatred of Jews ? (asking for a friend....)

Whatever was under their surface, some seemed aware of it and were eager to join in the killing. Others simply went along for the ride, Because..........who doesn't LOVE power? (probably mostly non communist, non-religious people don't......) .

Anyway, I'm answering my own questions here....HELP!

@twill Extract from link:
"The evidence that Hitler was a staunch Christian is overwhelming. He banned secular education in Germany on the basis that Christian religious instruction is essential to moral development, repeatedly vilified atheism, and although he often clashed with Catholic bishops over his ill-treatment of Jews, Hitler did not perceive himself as being anti-Christian, but rather as bringing the Church back to what he saw as its proper, traditional role in persecuting the pestilent. While negotiating the Reichskonkordat, Hitler said to Bishop Berning that suppressing Jews was, “doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions.”"...from Mein Kampf (“only fools and criminals would think of abolishing existing religion&rdquo😉, to Hitler’s letters (1941: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so&rdquo😉


It is critical to understand that after WWII, Christians have worked to sanitize Christianity's role in the Holocaust, even casting Hitler as an atheist (an obvious lie) along with the absurdity that atheism played any role in the atrocities of the 20th century. Atheism may have been endorsed by some of the communist thought-leaders, but they really sought to replace religion with communism itself, and later, to replace religion with personality cults.

Surely some people were killed in the name of atheism, but it's likely they'd have been killed anyway for opposing the existing power structure. The number of those actually killed in the name of atheism were an insignificant fraction of those killed in the name of religion by religionists.

@racocn8 Excellent! Thank you

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