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Reminds me of the look I often get when people find out that I am an Atheist. 😀 As one person put it, 'But you are so nice and kind??' - like only delusional religious types are capable of being nice and/or kind. Generally, I find the religious believers to be capable of rather horrible behavior but they will fall back on their belief as justification for their anti-social behavior.

SnowyOwl 8 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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,,,LOVE THE PHOTO ~ nice fit
...yes and to know they didn't come on to the Earth that way= nobody does.
Delusional, and a pity.
Thank you for posting 🗿


Every religious thinks his/hers is the true religion. That's why it is considered freak thinking.


Yes, I get that a lot, but not now as much as I used to.

I remember once about 25 years ago, I was helping in my son's 2nd grade classroom and another mother said, "What a nice Christian thing for you to do!" to which I replied "Oh, I'm not Christian." which seemed to have stupefied her for a moment. I hope that helped her see non-Christians in a different light.

I also had Christian neighbors with kids who suddenly had to stop playing with my kids once they found out we didn't go to church. While they shunned us, we continued to be nice and helpful when they needed help.

I remember one time, when they were about to give birth to their 4th child, I heard the car warming up in the driveway next door in the middle of the night. So, I went out to see if they needed help. Well the wife was in labor and they were waiting for a relative to come stay with their other kids while the husband drove her to the hospital. So, I said I can surely stay in the house until their relative gets there... They were stunned, but accepted the help. She got to the hospital in time.

The next day, I wrote a book of poetry for the older kids to read to the baby about climbing trees and the fun playing with kids in the neighborhood, etc., and put it in a basket of other goodies. I made another copy for my own kids, since it was a bit of a labor of love for the neighborhood, even though the playing together didn't occur anymore.

A few years later, the wife was out shoveling rocks to line the creek we shared between properties, all by herself in the rain. She obviously needed help, so I put on my jacket and gloves, got my wheelbarrow and shovel and went out to work side by side with her, silently. About 30 minutes into it, she just started crying and said that her pastor told her that we (my family) we going to hell because we didn't walk with the lord. She said she just couldn't believe that we (my family) were going to burn in hell for all eternity when we were such nice people.

We ended up calling a bit of a truce, and we actually ended up serving together as co-presidents of the middle school Parent Teacher Organization.

I said all that to say this. If we just keep up civil interactions with those who have preconceived notions that non-believers are evil, they might eventually come around. We can't just hide and keep to ourselves, but get out there and be seen and heard, trying to improve the quality of life for humanity in little ways and big ways.

Sometimes it works out for the best and I am happy to hear that you were able to find the middle ground after so many attempts. The ironic thing about this is that you were the True Xstian according to the teachings in their book.

I also practice " random acts of kindness " ; and some " pass it on " & others take advantage till I assert my boundaries. Some reject it out of hand.There is good & bad in any group of people - it is our bond as humans that shines through,
and is proven to be true. I always found it hard to judge folks . We have biases from our culture which are hard enough to find & root out of how we approach situations and that is difficult. Adding religion is another barrier between people. I admire you perseverance.

@SnowyOwl I'm no angel, but I try to do the human and neighbourly thing.

The most persuasive argument, is being a good example.

@Julie808 Glad you are not an 'Angel' those characters are generally up to no good for most of the time, although the fallen angels seem to be the better ones. lol

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