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Chemtrails your thoughts

Anyone have any thoughts on chemtrails

marcusflynn 3 May 2

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We will never know as the adherents don't know how to conduct proper scientific research and the skeptics aren't interested in wasting their time.

There is not one shred of evidence that chemtrails are thing.
... and I mean that. I you think you got something... put it up and I will tear it to pieces. Go for it.
Most of it is just conflating atmospheric research and some normal-ass science and engineering experiments or development with some nefarious agenda to do something ... and that something varies rather broadly.

Cloud seeding occasionally, sure.. but no one is trying to hide it.

The rest is junk.

Ok ive studied these events for several years now .I have no proof they are harmful .Ive noted the government have many papers on Geo - Engineering and solar radiation management by using aerosol injection methods .
My findings are that the ordinary trails are fairly normal .My personal observations are the 'white out' trails that block the sunlight for up to 8-12 hours after the planes have gone over don't appear genuine -They are higher in the atmosphere too..
The planes do by default seem to be military .This causes more issues as they aren't on flight radar and they are also guarded by the official secrets act .My own perspective is that solar radiation management is present -The trails aren't water vapour and that there is significant differences in the type of trails .I have no Idea as to the exact requirement of the trails but reserve the right to suggest this isn't a normal cloud base anymore.

@marcusflynn "hanging in the sky" or "turning into clouds" is not proof. This occurs with regular condensate under atmospheric conditions. CIA has acknowledged interest in solar screening programs.... as research. There is no ongoing solar screening program that I know of... and their willingness to discuss it strongly suggests they don't feel need to keep it secret. The only real "evidence" I would accept is collecting samples from the actual trails while they hang in the sky. Everything else is just paranoid speculation. The theorists do not conduct proper research, because they do not know how to do it... or they don't have their shit together enough to get the proper equipment and funding. You need a plane, a lab, and researchers. If your "proof"doesn't involve those tools... you don't have "evidence" of anything.

@Anemynous well the types of cloud that white out don’t exist also they don’t have straight lines in nature - to say proof well you have no proof they are water vapour and if you think the government haven’t used airborne particulates on the population they have in the 70s and it’s been officially disclosed and they didn’t at the time reveal that to the public - so your faith in the current power structure is admirable however if aerosol dispersal programmes were being used the official secrets act would not allow the proof required

@Anemynous well the types of cloud that white out don’t exist also they don’t have straight lines in nature - to say proof well you have no proof they are water vapour and if you think the government haven’t used airborne particulates on the population they have in the 70s and it’s been officially disclosed and they didn’t at the time reveal that to the public - so your faith in the current power structure is admirable however if aerosol dispersal programmes were being used the official secrets act would not allow the proof required

@marcusflynn It is not faith. It is Occam's Razor. The phenomena have conventionally understood explanations... there is no more need to contrive more fanciful explanations than it is to imagine a god.

@marcusflynn Okay look... Let me come down off my high horse for a second. I think this is all bullshit... fine. That's my opinion. You think there is some real nefarious stuff going on. Okay, groovy... that's your opinion. How solid are you on that? Do you feel like you have knowledge or are you just suspicious? If you have knowledge... meaning hard specifics of exactly who is doing exactly what and where and for such and such specific intent... how do you intend to act upon it? Do you intend to act upon it? Since there is no hard evidence to convince anyone of anything of... how do you intend "do" anything from such an unstable platform of argument? Is it only your intent to spread suspicion and paranoia? If you think you KNOW than I can only assume that you feel this is important to act upon, correct? in order to do that, you will need popular support, and you will have to know how to direct it. I mean if these agencies are already keeping their activities secret, legislation isn't going to do anything... because you can't demonstrate anyone is violating the protocol. If you are able to demonstrate a specific actor is distributing agents, what is the resistance to actually doing proper sample capture to solidify your allegations? I don't get it. I hand Chemtrailers the exact specific recipe for them to substantiate their claims, and they get angry. Why? This is your golden ticket, man.... if this means so much to you.. get people together, fund raise, get your labs, researchers, equipment and planes... and go do a proper research study and see what is actually in those trails. No one has done this yet, why?


I think they are evidence that basic science needs to be taught more effectively in schools.

Best answer.


I live near an airport. Been under the flight path for most of my life. If the contrails had some sort of mind control effect I'd be more under the fluence than anybody.

So the fact that I think it's nonsense entirely to be expected in either case.

Matt -I think through observation the aircraft aren't commercial they are military ..


I have friends who appear mostly down to earth but go right off re chem trails, further discussions reveal they have other crackpot ideas as well.


I was driving through the desert when I saw what looked the biggest spider web I ever saw floating down from the sky. Some of it got caught on my mirror so I grabbed it. It was not a spider web. It was synthetic. I have no idea what it was.

That sounds like siliceous cotton, also known - especially by UFO fans - as angel hair. There are various non-woo suggested explanations as to how it forms (as well as a whole lot of very woo ones); my guess is that the majority of examples and yours are spider silk formed when migrating spiders discard their "cobweb gliders" and several of them become entangled - when spider silk is farmed and spun into cloth, it does indeed feel strangely synthetic. []


When I hear chemtrails I automatically think conspiracy theory

You may be right but you have no access to the official secrets act and if it wasn't a genuine activity -There would be very little you could do about it







Those are my thoughts.


If the government wanted to drug us or mind control us with chemicals, wouldn't they just put them in the water supply? It'd be a helluva lot easier than using commercial jets to crop dust us.

vita Level 7 May 2, 2018

Agreed Vita it wouldn't be about killing us via aerosol injection -it could be many other reasons to do with weather control trying to possibly fix atmospheric holes caused by experimentation ..

I don't believe in chemtrails. But, if I were inclined to believe, explanations like "trying to keep global warming under control" would make more sense than "mind controlling us with sprayed psychotropics."


What are your thoughts Marcus?

im thinking its not at all natural water vapour


Finest high-grade woo.

Jnei Level 8 May 2, 2018
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