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Here's a question.
Since there is absolutely no precedent for this, will fuckface lose his SS protection if he's convicted and sentenced to prison???
Seems to me that it would be wholly unreasonable to demand any Secret Service agent have to protect that festering boil in prison.
One would hope that, upon conviction, the rotting mango would lose ALL of his perks and privileges.

I haven't heard much of anything regarding this issue.

KKGator 9 Mar 31

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Rotting mango? LMAO!!!


Because no one in power actually believes he will go to jail.

They need to be proven wrong.


Idk. Interesting question.


Well the secret service could help protect the other prisoners from him ? After all he will soon start a, paint yourself orange and learn how to cheat at games cult. Then there will be an alternate cult and then a big fight, and before you know where you are people will be trying to break into prison, while wearing, "Make our prisons great again." hats.

He will probably unwittingly paraphrase Oscar Wilde and say, ‘If thats how our government treats prisoners then it does not deserve any.’


An item, early on, mentioned as there is an even bigger precedent putting a for POS behind bars he would most likely be under house arrest with few visitors and no chance to lash out. A sort of semi-solitary confinement. All his future suites will match his skin.


Good question. I tend to think that to resolve the matter, if Trump is convicted, that he be placed in solitary confinement, with full access to family and screened guests, but with screened and taped telephone calls.

You are FAR more humane toward him than I could ever be.


as far as I'm concerned they can grind him into a smooth orange paste, however to avoid civil unrest and the embarrassing condition of having a former president in the pokey they'll probably not do much to him I'm afraid.

That's what I'm afraid of.
Right now, they're all being driven by the fear of what will happen if they treat him like everyone else.

Personally, I think they should all grow some ovaries and stuff their fear.

@KKGator seeking "justice" from this system is not wrongful, but a false expectaion i think.


presidential perks are voted on in congress as are their pensions. It will be a matter left up to them. While he is in prison all payments and other benefits will be suspended, so that may be interpreted that the SS is a benefit and is merely suspended while he is incarcerated.

I sure as hell hope so.


They should continue to serve. As a firing squad.

If only!!


NO he won't lose the SS protection. Only if lardo had been removed from office after the 2nd impeachment would he have had his benefits taken away. It's all on the republicans, who btw are all about states' rights until they aren't. The full letter from Alvin Bragg to gym jorden and the other 2 gqp assholes trying to interfere with Bragg's investigation is WONderful. Here's a link to it.

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