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So today I got proof that my family has been incepting me in my dreams because they believe I'm gay for not wanting to talk to a christian woman. Keep in mind they out number me 20+ to me so everything I say is just satan talk to them no reason at my house at all. I don't remember the first but the second time all they did was get me mad at work till I threw a fit and had this gay guy's ass on my leg which pissed me the fuck off and since he's been in another building. The third happened this night I was at work in the label room where this obvious gay guy walks in with a bunch of gaming stuff at work(I'm a gamer) having some kinda school day where there is no work. I'm like what the fuck is going on everyones like yea why not. Dream mode kicks in I'm putting this puzzle thing together waiting as always for their gay mention to come up I don't remember what it was that was said but when I said "I'm not gay" I heard what I expected a bunch of backround mumbling which I think broke the illusion. Now wheres my proof this was my family well before I went to sleep I had put on binural beats to help me drown out their backround noise as they always do this pick up the phone thing since I don't believe in god they wait till I'm confortable to start talking behind my back but when I look back and ask them they just ignore me cause my focus is of the devil. So I had the volume HIGH in both ears, but when I woke up one of my earphones was off... yea your right thats not enough to say wait.... why is my phone volume less than half. So my brother and I share a living room which has no door so anyone can just do as they please from stealing my shit to puting a camera in my TV to see the expression on my face when they start a new bit. They have been very open to how little fucks they give when it comes to these things since I am alone in all this. I have no one to turn to and I'm not sure what I would be expecting from sharing this but I just feel the need to vent.

Gabriel_B 6 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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So incase you were wondering I was wearing the kind of ear phones that looped around the ear so you can't just take them off and I was sleeping on my side so instead of waking me up he took one off and lowered the volume on my phone, and sadly no I stopped talking to the friends I made in Texas since they don't believe in me ever since I had them come over and they talked with my mom who's a christian posing as a buddist they treated me differently and I really just want to get away from all that negativity. If anyone needs a roommate I would be very interested in it.


Major control-do you have a friend you could move in with? Someone you can visit? Maybe someone on this site needs a roommate?


Wow. That's some seriously fucked up shit. Major invasion of your privacy with elements of harassment thrown in to the mix. Is there any way you can pull up stakes and start over somewhere else? You don't need that shit. Not even from family. ESPECIALLY not from family.

I would love nothing more than to start somewhere else but I wouldn't know where to start. After high school I've just been working min wage jobs where once I announce I don't believe in god everyone treats me like trash and acts like I deserve it. I'm good at saving money but since I've delt with this kind of harrassment I've been Hesitating on doing anything with my life since I know on this highway we call life theres gonna be a toll both where only christians or others of the same kind can pass while I'll be pulled aside and honked at other who couldn't care less.

One of the few good things about minimum wage jobs is that you can get them anywhere. If I were you, I'd just disappear one night and leave a note on the table that says; Don't try to find me. If you do, I'll tell you to leave. If you refuse to leave, I'll have the authorities remove you from my property.

Might I suggest you go somewhere like California. San Francisco would be a good choice. It's a big city and you can disaopear in to it pretty easily. I have good friends there who would be happy to help you get acclimated.

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