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LINK Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney on Price is Right pre transition - YouTube

This person is very hard for me to take. Kudos to Drew Carey. This is when "he" was just a very gay man. I would slug down Bud Light as long as I didn't have to sit down with Dylan to drink it.

barjoe 9 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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One recent complaint against DM says that the exaggeration of women's traits amounts to misogynistic parody to the point of derision. Seeing this makes me think the complaint tracks.

Not offensive imo. Just annoying.

Sorry, that's the exaggeration of ''women's traits'' circa 1948, as dictated by males.

@AnneWimsey What women's traits were dictated by males?

@racocn8 being silly, overreacting, too we, the strong men, need to be in charge


thats disturbed.


I know that it's not cool to dislike someone for being "too gay", but this is just obnoxious IMO, and I wouldn't like to be next to anyone of any gender who behaved like that. My son, who is gay, detests this sort of thing. He's very low key about being gay.

I was impressed by Drew Carey's tolerance. I have had friends that were almost this flamboyant. I have told them sometimes to chill.

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