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LINK Ali Alexander Accused of Soliciting Nudes of Teen Boys

He is the organizer of "Stop the Steal" rally on January 6th. Republicans look the other way on "grooming" when it's their guy.

barjoe 9 Apr 18

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This seems to be part of the experience for leading an org. The woman who founded #metoo was also banging her office boy and we have dozens of other examples so it's no longer anecdotal.

Office boy? How old was this boy? Under 18? I'll take some heat for this but when the "victim" is a young guy, it's different. Was she a MILF? Double standard. She's a cougar.

@barjoe I didn't say he was under age but nor was he her age. More importantly, he was an employee.

@rainmanjr You equate two consenting adults in a relationship some might view as inappropriate with a grown man soliciting pornographic photos from underage boys?

@barjoe I equate sexual harassment with an employee to sexual harassment, yes.

@rainmanjr But herassmeant a lot to me.

@barjoe Whatever that means I no longer care. I think it's all the same thing. If you don't then you're merely letting Feminism decide your attitude, IMO.

@rainmanjr Quite the opposite. I think men are usually in control of a sexual relationship. He was happy with the situation, if he sued later, it was a money grab and she was likely the victim.

@barjoe I think men are in control of very little, actually. Whether he was gaining an enjoyment from the activity, or not, is immaterial to whether the "relationship" was appropriate and, therefore, moral. If it was inappropriate, as modern HR rules would tend to indicate, then he is her victim.


And yet it usually is one of their guys...

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