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The number of senseless, unprovoked shootings of defenseless people grows day by day. Why? The combined answers are the encouraged and the unconscionable proliferation of guns and the truly evil actions of politicians and demagogues to encourage and enable the carrying and use of guns against others by truly evil politicians and demagogues. When are we going to say: Enough of this shit!!!!! Start caring about people and their safety or we will throw corrupt asses you out of power!!

Through our entire history we have always had people are emotionally hard wired, people who have difficulty controlling their emotions and anger, and aggressive people. But, we have never before had such a magnitude of violent killings What is the difference? The only answers are the proliferation of guns and the legalization and encouragement of carrying of loaded guns, particularly semi-automatic guns. If you are encouraging and/or enabling this, you are evil and a threat to our society and country.

wordywalt 9 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Three answers: 1) proliferation, etc; 2) legalization, etc; and 3) eight-billion-and-counting people.

#1 and #2 are humankind’s means to reducing #3.


There are those who live most of the time in their imagination and there are those who exercise reason in their conduct with other people. Imagination can be a wonderful tool if used to solve problems or create something useful or provide entertainment. However, it seems that in many people it runs their lives with dire and sometimes fatal consequences.


Again, This isn't about guns. It's about fascist Christians having found a way to intimidate the rest of the population without consequences. Mass shootings serve the GOP purpose of intimidating minorities that lean democrat: students, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and LBGTQ that the GOP would like to disenfranchise. They all happen to be the targets of mass shooters. This is NOT a coincidence.

At the micro-level, gun-nuts can only play with themselves a couple times a day. After that, they fondle a gun and having a gun is pretty frustrating too if you can't use it. After a few times, the firing range gets old, so what to do??? These people do NOT have a life, and no clue how to get one. They have itchy palms and that moves to the trigger finger. They are desperate to fire their gun at somebody - - anybody. And after listening to Tucker Carlson for an hour, it's like coming down from cocaine: a sick feeling in the gut and a yearning to kill anything that moves.

The only solution is political, and that's a tough hill to climb because GQP billionaires will pay whatever it takes to corrupt the system, and that continues to work pretty well. As long as people watch Fox and go to church, we are all of us fucked.


At some point perhaps, just perhaps the business community will wake up and see all the mass shootings are bad for business and lobby to pass sensible gun control laws.

It isa rhe average citizen that we must reach. Wyhen we reach enough of them, the game is over for the morally bakrupt politicians and for the NRA>


Studies on rats and overcrowding done decades ago showed that rats, usually Very socially-concious and co-operative in groups, turned on their own and began vicious murderous behaviors above certain population densities, even if they were not actually in the thickest part of the problem.
no reason other than overpopulation was ever found.
i believe we have gone Over our threshold, by a large-ish margin.

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