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LINK Federal judge: Mississippi must allow religious exemptions for vaccine deniers

The decision will make public schools less safe for everyone in the state. The plaintiffs don't care.

In a wildly irresponsible move, a federal judge has ordered the state of Mississippi to allow religious people to avoid childhood vaccinations as a prerequisite to enter public schools. Whether or not the conservative Christian plaintiffs will ever admit it, this lawsuit will make public schools less safe by making it easier for measles and other diseases to make a return.

U.S. District Judge Sul Ozerden, a right-wing judge and member of the Federalist Society, said that state law permits vaccine exemptions for medical reasons, which are secular, therefore the state must permit religious exemptions too.

Ozerden set a July 15 deadline for the Mississippi State Department of Health to allow religious exemptions. The state already allows people to apply for medical exemptions for a series of five vaccinations that are required for children to enroll in public or private school. The immunizations are against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; polio; hepatitis; measles, mumps and rubella; and chickenpox.

The ruling never says why the families in question don’t want to be vaccinated, but they’ve explained their reasons publicly:

One of the families who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit believe “God has created humans with functioning immune systems that were well designed to counteract threats,” the lawsuit said, adding that they only seek out medication “when an intervention is clearly necessary.” 

Our immune systems, much like the rest of our bodies, are far from perfect. The same people who have no problem wearing glasses, getting braces, or taking Tylenol for a headache, seem to think their bodies can naturally fight back against a host of infectious diseases. They refuse to acknowledge that those diseases were largely eradicated because of vaccines and are now returning precisely because of ignorant, selfish people like them.

Vaccines only work if the vast majority of people get the shots. In the case of measles, if 95% of the population is protected, the disease won’t be able to spread due to herd immunity. That’s why medical exemptions are permitted; it’s okay if a handful of kids are physically unable to take the shots assuming everyone else can and will get them.

Allowing people to simply refuse to have their kids vaccinated because they don’t feel like it puts entire communities at risk. Mississippi does not currently allow religious, philosophical, or conscientious reasons for avoiding the shots if you’re enrolling your kids in public schools. That’s the right call.

But these religious individuals would rather jeopardize public safety in the name of religion, and unfortunately, that argument has been effective in front of conservative judges. The group bringing this lawsuit is well aware of that:

The lawsuit, funded by the Texas-based Informed Consent Action Network, argued that Mississippi’s lack of a religious exemption for childhood vaccinations violates the U.S. Constitution.

“The State of Mississippi affords a secular exemption to those with medical reasons that prohibit vaccination, reflecting that it can accommodate students that are unvaccinated,” the network said in a statement. “It has simply chosen to not accord an exemption when it is someone’s immortal soul that a parent believes would be at risk.”

Much like anti-abortion zealots who care more about protecting a fetus than preserving the health of a grown woman, these people care more about their clients’ “immortal soul” than children’s lives.

The lack of understanding there is wild, too. Medical exemptions are not “secular” in any meaningful way. If the state allowed conscientious objections to vaccines, then the religious side might have a point. But claiming the state “can accommodate students that are unvaccinated” without noting that the math and science don’t work if additional accommodations are permitted shows you the sort of people we’re dealing with.

Mississippi officials have not said if they’ll appeal this ruling, but for the sake of everyone, let’s hope they do—and that they succeed. It’s not like the state is known for having a strong health care system. But on the subject of vaccines, it’s currently one of only six states that does not allow religious exemptions to vaccine requirements. It’s one of the only aspects of health care that the state gets right.

John Gaudet, past president of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said Mississippi’s high vaccination rate should be preserved and protected.

“We’re at the bottom of the heap in many health metrics, but at the top of the heap in protecting our children from vaccine-preventable illnesses,” he said. “There are a lot of reasons for that, and of them is because when we send our kids to kindergarten, we require them to be vaccinated, to not only protect them but to protect the other children in the classroom.

“I think that comes from a sense of community, and it’s endured for decades — that we take care of ourselves and we take care of those around us.”

Unfortunately, because vaccine deniers and their conservative religious allies don’t give a damn about anyone’s health, and choose to believe conspiracy theories about vaccines instead of the science behind how they work, more people in Mississippi could be at risk all because of these religious extremists and their right-wing enablers.

Barring an appeal, the Mississippi State Department of Health has until July 15 to change the law to allow religious exemptions for schools.

snytiger6 9 Apr 22

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Well...I blocked @laidback1 ... I could swear I blocked him once before...dude is off the chain(and probably his meds)...smfh


That's proof that religion is dangerous and may kill us all.


Can't believe you are still fooled by the vaccines... After the lie it stops transmission came out to be the truth as you cling to data made up by comprised child rape blackmailed freaks as doctors in practice are having their experience not matching the data!

You're a deliberate fool , you know what Jeffery Epstein had done,you were told,you ignored it .. you're hurting people...

You murdered millions of people who starved to death because of your refusal to study and wake the fuck up to the fact child rapists are in power and you're fucking letting it happen by not researching & speaking out.. ... Laugh keep fucking laughing

What's wrong with you?

Or perhaps I should ask "What's right with you?". /@Betty

@anglophone Frustration is often expressed by anger.


Let the whole goddamn lot of them perish by their own obstinate foolishness!


Well...we thought we would prevent children from dieing from disease that could be prevented...BUT...the Christians of course know that GOD'S BLOOD WILL PROTECT THEM...let me know how that works out...smfh...maybe when THEIR UNVACCINATED KIDS START DIEING IN DROVES they will figure it out. I feel sorry for these kids...their parents should be the ones who FUCKING DIE.

The Amish are doing great... They aren't having their children die of heart attacks nor is there many autistic children in the Amish community...

Aren't you such a noble person full of care...

@laidback1 The Amish die of genetic inbred diseases in droves and they don't allow children to be educated past 8th grade.

Most young women have two kids before they are 20.

Celebrate ignorance.

Go for it.

@BufftonBeotch they still aren't dieing from vaccines or lack there of blah .. celebrate your what about this rant fest against hot air

@laidback1 You would be expected to do physical labor.

You would not last 3 days.

@laidback1 I make no claim to be noble, and as far as the Amish are concerned, that's a whole different discussion. Vaccines have been proven to protect us from life threatening disease. It's the crazy, fearmongering conspiracy theorists who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground that have caused all the confusion and insanity. Thanks to MORONS like Trump, Carlson, Alex Jones, and the rest of the creatins, we have to start all over again building trust in the Healthcare System. Over 100 years of faith in dedicated, scientific research ... DESTROYED by IDIOTS who don't know the difference between bacteria and virus. smfh. Politics and Science don't mix. And FYI the "link between Autism and Vaccines"...WAS DISPROVEN YEARS AGO...Spread your BS someplace else.

@phoenixone1 Amish aren't noble. They are some of the worst with puppy mills and will work a horse until it falls over dead.
There is physical and sexual abuse with victims urged to just forgive their abusers and some groups are involved in drug trafficking.

@phoenixone1 well i disagree.. i appreciate your realization and rationale to know it had nothing to do with the Amish being great people... Merely an observation that they're not all dieing from not being vaccinated...

@BufftonBeotch you're retarded

@laidback1 What part of what I said was inaccurate?
And since the Amish do not seek outside medical care most of the time, and they handle death and burials privately, there is no way of knowing what the death rate of COVID among that closed society was.
And the using the term "retarded" fell out of social norm about 30 years ago. Makes you look like a relic from the 90's.

@laidback1 The Amish don't have die of as many diseases mostly because they don't interact with general society and thus aren't exposed to as many diseases as the general public.

As for autism, the Amish farm organically, aren't as exposed to a wide array of toxic chemicals found in everyday society. They don't ingest as many food additives, preservatives and non-food chemicals in their foods as general society either. There are far to many variables in lifestyle and consumables to point to just one difference, such as vaccines, to say that is the sole cause of increased autism, especially when there are no definitive and replicated studies to back up the claim.

The Amish live closer to nature consuming products and foods which are more natural consisting of chemicals which occur naturally in nature. We humans did not evolve beign exposed to compound chemicals produced in labs. So yes, those of us who live in greater society experience more frequent disease, more instances of cancers and may generally not be as healthy.

@BufftonBeotch like when someone dies of a car accident, COVID 19 is said to be the cause.. . Right... retard..

@snytiger6 I'm sure the toxins make things worse,but there are studies that prove it's related to vaccines,the heavy metal toxins àre causing it,i have seen a patrey dish with brain cells and mercury,and and an ingredient in the vaccines has a substance thermosal i think I recall right? 40 percent Mercury .. yeah seen the cells eaten by the mercury!!!its captured on camera!!! Under a microscope.. say the same about viruses??? Huh??? I haven't fucking seen it show me a virus under the microscope?? Too small huh ? But they know what it is Yet they can't see it ? But they just know? From what? How if they cannot see it ???? They know exactly what to do with something they can't see ???? Uh okay!!


This is also going to allow religio wacko parents to deny needed medical care to children without consequence.
Deny insulin. Deny antibiotics. Deny care for obvious emergencies.
Children WILL die.
And now parents cannot be charged with homicide.

Start charging the parents with MANSLAUGHTER.

@phoenixone1 involuntary murder would be the charge if anything ,they wrr following what they believed ..& it is because people like you and others who are letting people in power rape children to black mail scientists and policy makers, and you instead of standing up to them ,you double down on being on the side of people who admitted they rape children to blackmail,its an intelligent agency tool , and you were told about it , and and you did nothing about it .. instead you took their side.. you are sick and i have no respect for you.. i despise you , the Florida State prosecutor admitted it it's all on record.. where are Ghislaine Maxwell's clients?? Huh ??????? Fucking.. retard!!!!!

Fuckin child rape blackmail supporter!!

@laidback1 You are blocked. And I rarely ever do that.
I will block stalkers given to conspiracy theories and psychotic rage.


I would of change my religion to Amish if it meant protecting my health away from vaccines. It's better to lie than a greater risk of harming myself or especially kids. Generally I don't break the honest rule and won't ever break the harm rule.

Bet you'd run away from there the first time you got a toothache, and they wanted to allow the strongest man there to pull it out without anesthesia, while you were tied down.

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