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Washington State Bans Sale Of Semi-Automatic Rifles. Horray!

Washington State passed a law Tuesday banning the sale of AR-15s and dozens of other semi-automatic rifles.

“These weapons of war, assault weapons, have no reason other than mass murder,” Gov. Jay Inslee said during a ceremony where he signed the bill into law, the Seattle Times reported. “Their only purpose is to kill humans as rapidly as possible in large numbers.”

The new law will take effect immediately and will ban the future sale, distribution, manufacture and importation of more than 50 gun models, including AR-15s and AK-47s.

After the proposal first passed the state House in March, gun store owners across the state told Vice that sales of AR-15s went up.

Washington is now the 10th state to prohibit the sale of semi-automatic rifles.

Two other bills approved by the Legislature last week and expected to be signed into law by Inslee on Tuesday include a 10-day waiting period for gun purchases. The other bill would hold gunmakers and sellers liable for shooting deaths if they are “irresponsible in how they handle, store or sell those weapons.”


LiterateHiker 9 Apr 25

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Setting aside that guns are fun. They are weapons made to kill. These are objects that enable to use of violence at range and increase to strength of the user in the same way a hammer can be used to break or make something.
They also become an extension of the user's body to the point where the user cannot tell them apart from themselves during the time they are using them.
This means that in a society that does not see guns as extraordinary, they become no more than the pointing of a finger and shouting a threat. As such, the threat of violence becomes real because of the power of the weapon, and semi-automatic rifles increase the destructive potential massively.


I am a member of both Alliance and CSGV and get the governers report. All this has been rightly touted. Lets hope there's money to hire a lot more customs agents.


Let's hope this the beginning of a groundswell of sanity in this country!


Steps in the right direction and a big blow to gun happy repubs.


Finally some progress. Meanwhile in upstate NY, a girl was killed while turning around in a driveway.


Sometimes I hugely regret that we moved out of Washington state, and this is another one of them. I think these are excellent laws and a good first step.

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