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How do you want to be buried?

I want to be put straight into the soil to decay and share my energy with the system. Our current methods takes this energy out of it, which is a waste.

I am not New Age, my decay being food for the creepy crawly's is the energy I reference.

NotConvinced 7 May 2

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67 comments (26 - 50)

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Same here except plant an apple tree directly over my corpse so it can use me as fertilizer. Put a tombstone with my name and dates next to it so in the future when people eat the apples they can ponder who they are eating.


Dropped in a hole and returned to the earth to be used as compost and grow a tree or feed bear!


I'm going to donate my body to science. Well, organs to people who need them, brain for research and the rest of my body for tissue donation, etc.



I had my wife cremated. After the fact I found out that cremains don't go back into the environment very easily. Seems they are SO sterile, for having been burned at such a high level of heat that they just aren't ready to be resorbed by, or be of any use to, the environment.

Subsequent to this, I found out (through TED) about what are basically body farms. They find a nice peaceful spot, drop you there and let you sleep your time away... granted, you aren't really sleeping.

In my case, because I had my wife cremated and because I know about the environmental toxicity of cremains, I'd like to have her cremains put into my body cavity (no other embalming fluids, though so water would be nice) before I am laid out to rest... in hopes that MY body will help her cremains be accepted by the environment.

Other than that, I'd prefer a wake, remembering how I lived, versus how I died. Hopefully someone can dredge up a good memory and drink to it. 🙂

Oh, and maybe seedling cherry trees to feed upon my corpse. My wife and I both love the look of Cherry when worked into a cabinet or pretty much anything...


I would prefer to be planted with a tree. Failing that, cremation.


I don’t care. I’d prefer my body be used for medical purposes, but I would be fine if it was just thrown in the dumpster.


I don't want to be buried. I want to be cremated and maybe have one of those urns that nourishes a tree. Before cremation, though, I want any organs that are usable to be donated, and if they can't be donated, leave my body to a medical school. I figure someone did that for me (I'm a physician) so why not pay it forward?


hopefully dead. But prefer cremations, ashed can be flushed, left on the ground, I don't care.


Mine also


I used to tell my daughter to burn me and flush me. She doesn't have to do thar now since I have a cremation package and my ashes will be scattered at sea. I Do Not want to be buried.




I won't care what happens to my body. I'll be dead.


Happy to be fly tipped


Id like to be dragged straight from where I die to the trees in planted and just buried near them with no evidence it actually happened with no funeral or anything. as I can't do that I'm going to be sprinkled after cremation with no funeral bullshit under the trees I planted.


I want to be cremated, and the urn disposed of. And for goodness sake, no funeral.


I don't want my death to be wasted like I don't want my life wasted. That being said, I want my body to be donated to science.


I'm waiting word from the University so I can be donated for science or whatever


Drop me out of a helicopter and whomever I land on wins the publisher's clearing house.


Doesn't really matter to me, I'll be dead.


I've always thought the cremation idea was the most socially acceptable lesser of the evils. I've opted to donate everything to science and transplants, so hopefully there isn't much left but I'd consider this if it were easier to accomplish.


I won't. I will be cremated and spread over my favorite place.


I don't want to be buries, I want to be creamated

Ya gots to do something with the cremains.


It is legal, usually referred to as a Green Burial. That is my plan.



Cremated, no wishes on the ashes other than do no fucking keep it on your fireplace mantel for fuk sake you creep!

Proto Level 6 May 3, 2018

Contingencies: Donated to a med school. If I'm not suitable for that, mix cremains with some soil and planted with a sapling in my favorite park. If that can't be done, put me in an urn and shelve me in the columbarium of the local national cemetery.

RichE Level 5 May 4, 2018
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