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To set the scene; In an alternate universe Ricky Gervais gets "the office" on TV but it is at the cost of bowing to the TV execs and going with their ideas like a funny wig and a catchphrase "Yer havin' a laugh?"
"What price the world at the cost of your own soul?"
Anyway, we all know that the office was a huge success and on the back of it, he got to this series "Extras" where really big names wanted to be a part of it.
Cue David Bowie and enjoy the cringe-fest

273kelvin 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Cringy, brutal, and yet very funny, as it’s designed to be by Gervais!
Reminds me of the great Charlie Chaplin in his silent films when the pathos for his “little tramp” was the very essence of his humour….

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