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Child Abuse in Churches is not All Sexual

Children forced to perform for adults pleasure in pentacostal churches by speaking in tongues and other perversions.

This is not the one I mentioned in another post, but if you Google there are tons like this.

This kid is obviously being emotionally tortured and compelled to perform until he complies.

This is child abuse.


BufftonBeotch 8 May 20

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In a future century, religious indoctrination will be unlawful child abuse.

It is brainwashing. Severe punishment until you comply

@Garban I tend to agree. Once a religious government gets entrenched, think Iran, it can maintain control for seemingly ever (they use the same methods used throughout history by tyrants).


I don't frequent tiktok so have no idea what the link is to. But abuse in such churches is mental/emotional and physical in addition to sexual.

It is a little boy, maybe about 11 or 12 who is being held in place as he is sobbing and repeatedly told he must speak in tongues and adults are blocking any escape and he has no hope of rescue.
The preacher keeps demanding he speak in tongues until the kid, drool dropping out of his mouth he is sobbing so hard, finally complies and is rewarded.

And they call it a "gift..."

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