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First off success, defined by who? I believe success is an individual thing and we decide what success means to us. There are about 7 of these points that just make common sense to follow, at least IMO. Living a healthy lifestyle, I do that for me! Give up excuses, of course! Own the decisions you make. Give up fixed mindset, be open to the possibilities. Give up perfection, well we aren't perfect so trying to achieve something that is unachievable is looking for failure. Give up control, just control what you can. Give up toxic people!!! Your life improves unbelievably. Give up depending on social media, as long as it isn't all you do, finding balance is the main thing.


I like being liked. I will live a life of mediocrity, besides I've been successful and when you're very successful you really can't worry about those around you liking you. Life for me is better being someone who cares, someone who enjoys getting on social media and enjoys not always being focused on every pay day being more than I need.

Who decides what is mediocre? If that's the life that makes you happy that is ALL that matters. And that is not mediocre in any sense. ?

@BeeHappy I agree.

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