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LINK Pat Robertson Dead at 93 – Rolling Stone

Wonderful News! Only the good die young. This fucking bastard lived to be 93. Fuck him. I hope his family are as happy as I am. I'm sure they're rubbing their hands greedily waiting to get their hands on his ill gotten gains. RIP Rot In Pieces

barjoe 9 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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At one time he was into diamond mines in Africa. The ignorant bastard and one time presidential candidate thought his god wanted him to have diamond mines. Then a few years ago there were lies about the phenomenal amount of weight he could press with his legs. Trouble in Haiti came along and he was there to claim they made a pact with the Devil years ago so none of it surprised him. Once the question of spirit animals came up and he said he did not think animals had souls but there were spirit animals because Jesus and friends return in the last daze riding spirit horses in the sky.

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