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Under what circumstances is it ok for a person's ethics to be compromised?

atheist 8 Dec 8

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I think whatever someone's answer here, it's actually part of their ethical code. E.g., if I think it's okay to kill another person to save my own life or the life of a loved one, that's part of my ethics — although it might violate my ideals, but I think by their nature ideals are best-case scenario and don't take into account the complexities and nuance of real-world situations (but are still worth striving for).


I think its personal choice when it comes to a person's ethics. I will never compromise my belief that everyone is a human being regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. I would never compromise those ethics.


It depends on what their moral ethics are. There could be a number of things that society disagree on even though it's a person's right to do so. Like carrying an AK47 with guns hanging from their hip walking down the street in my neighborhood. Oh no... call the cops.
If ethics are compromised. You could be in someone else's culture disturbing theirs. I wouldn't get upset seeing children sit on Santa's lap asking for a doll or skates for Christmas. I keep my mouth shut. Mind my own business and let the dead bury the dead. As one famous person said. I've come to bury him, not to praise him. My ethics are my own. I can still be friends with a person and attend their funerals. I stand in a crowd of my coworkers and keep my mouth shut as they pray for all the good things they wish to happen. I don't stump my feet or make noises because I don't believe. I respect theirs and don't carry mine on my shoulders. I try to set the example of positive behavior.


The answer to that is completely subjective. I live my life, as best as I can, according to several ill-defined principles. This has been to my detriment on a number of occasions. Others have often advised me to know when to give up my principles, but I say Fuck them, and Fuck the consequences that is the whole idea of principles.


I treat people as they treat me and I react to how they act.


Under what circumstances is it "ok" for me to compromise my moral standards, the things I consider to be right,or wrong. I going to say to save my own, or someone else's life. Or, if I discover that what I have believed to be true, is not. At my age, I have found myself mistaken many times. Learning and growing are two of the great pleasures in life for me.


I would compromise my ethics to help some one in dire need, to defend the vulnerable and to defend myself and my loved ones. I don't believe in violence but if I saw an old lady being robbed, I might throw a rock at the head of the robber.


Depends on the compromise, and whether it's to improve or not


It is NEVER okay to compromise one's ethics. However, most of our value choices are not between absolute rights and absolute wrongs. Instead they are between comparative goods, or in some situations, the comparative wrongs. Sometimes the choices we have are all bad, and the question becomes which is worst. In all cases, the standard should be: Which choice presents the least violation of human dignity and well-being.


When it's time to upgrade them.

skado Level 9 Dec 8, 2017
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