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LINK Future of religion? Hundreds attend Church service conducted by ChatGPT - Trending News

The chatbot's sermon majorly focused on themes surrounding leaving one's past behind, living in the present, not being afraid of death and maintaining faith in Jesus Christ

snytiger6 9 June 12

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Anyone remember Twilight Zone episodes along this line or Star Trek where the deity ends up being a machine? We are fast moving in that direction. In the last 6 years I have learned that we humans can actually be that stupid.

As religion has always been used as a way to control people, I would nto be surprised if machines were regularly used to preach sermons.

I think that AI at its current level is pretty scary as it has no conscience or ethics programmed into it.

@snytiger6 AI is not sentient and any system of ethics would have to be programmed into it along with an ability to learn. This would be needed but some would argue that AI has no soul. Neither do you. You may be a living soul but you do not have or possess a soul.

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