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LINK PSA: Help These Conservatives Heartbroken By Trump's Indictment | The Daily Show - YouTube

Poking fun at how conservative are using Trump's indictment to raise money...

snytiger6 9 June 14

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Don't get mad at me for saying this but... Lindsay Graham looks flaming mad about Trump's indictment.

barjoe Level 9 June 15, 2023

Yes, I get it but not everybody does. I work with a man who almost cries as he tells us all that Trump is an easy target and people are just doing this because they can. In Trump's defense he starts naming other elected people who probably should be investigated.

Republicans have been harping accusations about some democrats, but they have yet to preduce any actual evidence of wrong doing.

There were other politicians who were found to have classified documents, but there were unaware they had then, and cooperated with officials to recover any documents they did have, and the documents recovered were less than half a dozen pages from each one. However, Trump had boxes of documents, knew he had them, and tried to keep them when officials requested them and he lied to federal officials (which I believe is a crime in itself) about having any top secret documents and obstructed officials at every turn, forcing them to get and serve a subpoena. So, there is a major difference in the situations. Trump brought all the legal troubles onto himself.

I think he tries to keep the attention on himself and this defect is part of his personality.

@DenoPenno Personality? What personality? You're too kind. That defect is part of his so-called brain

On the other hand, I lost itwhen she called Lindsay Graham a "BLUBBERING ELF"

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