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A meme I saw on Facebook, which makes a valid point.

snytiger6 9 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Joe Biden has been shaking the jar ever since he became president.

I think Trump tried to shake the jar with every statement he made as president. He even encouraged his followers to attack the capitol to try to overturn the election.

Trump has made many threats about people committing violence after he lost teh election and he keeps threatening that his followers will rise up in violence.

@snytiger6 The democrats told a lot of lies to help Biden win the 2020 election and even suppressed the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop which was very incriminating against the Biden’s. Biden ran on the promise he wanted to unite the country but has repeatedly used the race card to justify his radical agenda.

@Trajan61 You and I must not live in the same reality.


Pretty simple. The jar shakers, are the ruling class, made up of the ultra rich and the corporate execs, along with the rest of the global elite, which includes the top military leaders, who act as the enforcers and hit men for the global elite. The ants are all the rest of us, the peasants who make up all the lower classes. The jar shakers want us to kill each other off, and keep fighting amongst ourselves, instead of uniting on class lines, and revolting against the jar shakers. Not likely to ever happen, since the vast majority of us peasants, have been taught to hate and fear any of our fellow peasants who are different from us, in race, sexuality, religion, etc., and also as long as the corporate media is the main source of info for most of us peasants, as it spreads all the propaganda that the ruling class and our government wants us to hear, and nothing else..

I consider myself one of the small minority who are truly woke, in that I see beyond the culture war bullshit and the identity politics of the two major parties, and realize that, while the MAGA Repubs and the White Christian Supremest Nationalists, and other fascists, are my immediate and direct enemies, at this time, my more real, and permanent enemies, are the global and national elites, who are shaking the jar, and have always been, the ruling class. To me, anyone who doesn't see that, and always keep it in mind, when looking at political conflicts, is not that woke at all. They are just the other side of the same coin, same as the MAGA Trumpers, pawns who are being used by the ruling class to distract and divide the lower classes, for the benefit of the ruling class..


That little turd Robert Reich is one of the people shaking the jar.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 31, 2023

What an absurdly ridiculous statement!


Inequality Media is a nonprofit co-founded by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

The little turd makes his money by stoking class envy. He literally monetizes it on youtube.

Every time you let him push your buttons, he makes more money.


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