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Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it

Ya know I have a very hard time respected the religion . We as athiest or agnostics know it's bogus . Its a book that basically tells u what to believe is right or wrong and if u don't agree then your wrong and the co sequences are going to hell . The Bible itself is poorly written . One chapter gods this nice loveable person then the next he's growing babies and slaying baby's and cursing them ! So many people hate gays and lesbian people becus of the Bible . Whether I think it's nasty or not doesn't mean its wrong . I also hate the disrespect I get when I tel people I'm athiest. Why can't we think for ourselves ?

DavidDeLa89 6 May 3

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Bad, yes, put to evil purposes, yes.
A lie is bad,
lies built on lies built on lies and you have the catholic church

There a lot more bad things from just the Christian it self doing to humankind that almost like no one can describe it all in one lifetime. The difficulty here is that we all need to acknowledge how bad such belief system would do to humankind. That how we can live a better life, and not just ignore them because they will harm you whether you even more if you are not aware of it.


I consider religion and superstition the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. It's the cause of suffering, war, prejudice, racism, homophobia, sexism, and brutality to children. Many others, I could go on and on. How about slavery? The movie "12 Years a Slave" brings out beautifully how the plantation masters felt morally superior to their slaves because the Bible condones it.

If only it was the only cause of those things. Then we could get rid of it and live in a utopia.

@indirect76 Of course it's not the only cause but in most a major cause. Take homophobia for example. It's totally natural in nature as only a small percentage of mammals get to reproduce. The Bible calls it "abomination" cause gays make a convenience scapegoat.


Religions are the worst thing ever inflicted on humanity and every thing else.
They seek to subjugate and control the human will.
Fuck religions.


Like everything, it has it’s good parts and it has it’s bad parts, and it would be folly to reject it outright or follow it blindly.

Well said.


I think christianity is a fairy tale, and those who follow it are looney.


I lay the blame on religion for most of humanities faults and vices. I don't think that any one religion is bad per se, but the perversion and implementation of the belief system to be advantageous for some and victimize many seems to be a feature that most religions tend to have. That said, I believe in the moral guidance of religion but mainly in such that they create a social framework of acceptable and expected behaviors that we can all abide by. But in this current climate, even common courtesy has been victimized.


Christianity, like any religion, encourages belief in that which is neither evident nor rational. It discourages any attempt to seek truth that could contradict it, and has held back scientific progress. It encourages discrimination and justifies the indefensible. While some will claim that some good things may come of faith, I think that overall the negatives far outweigh any potential benefits. The world would be a better place without it.


There are approximately forty-three thousand denominations under the Christian umbrella originating from six major ecclesiastico-cultural mega-blocs: Independents, Protestants, “Marginals”, Orthodox, Roman Catholics and Anglicans.

To answer the question...Although there are good works done in the name of Christianity, they are well compensated for it through tax exemptions and receipts. More harm than good has been done, so my answer is yes, Christianity is bad.

Source: []

Betty Level 8 May 4, 2018

All religions are bad .

I agree. The question was about Christianity so that is what I answered. 🙂


I really think all religions are bad without exception. they seem to suit men much more than women too.

I think the Pastafarians are ok ... Though only their vegetarian chapter .. The noodle monster with Brussel sprouts instead os meat balls.


Trillions of dollars are sucked out of our economy and wasted on building and maintaining churches.

With all due respect this is not a particularly good argument. Too many resources are wasted on useless skyscrapers, aircraft carriers, tanks, ammunitions etc. Some men would argue that too many resources are wasted on women's handbags and they might counter that too much is wasted on cars.

@PontifexMarximus Well, any waste of resources is bad, and in this particular topic about the stupid Christian, it fit the discussion.

@TuyTran888 But an argument should be more specific!

@PontifexMarximus yes, He is talking about the waste of resource in the stupid Christian churches, that is specific. but then you are the one bring other stuff in and try to delude the issue that he talking about.

@PontifexMarximus He was on the issue of the subject of Christian, you are the one that brought in unrelated thing such as skyscraper and tank, and weapon.

@TuyTran888 He talks about economics: "Sucked out of our economy and wasted on building and maintaining churches."

@PontifexMarximus He talk about economic related to Christian. Do you even get that? your skyscraper and tank and weapon did you show the relation to Christain?

Sure...most of our wars have been religious wars.@TuyTran888

@nicknotes I was asking at PontifexMarximus, Let him think about it. people really need to learn to think better. We can not just think for them, we can help them to improve their thinking.

@nicknotes exactly ... There exists a rather unholy alliance between religions and the urge to fight wars.

@TuyTran888 Pontifex's comments make sense in that "money sucked out of the economy" is the TAX-FREE money spent on these things.

@LucyLoohoo The question I asked was for Pontifex. I was checking to see if he even know what he is saying. I am not as stupid as you think.

@TuyTran888 the economic argument is, in my opinion, not the best against Christianity because it is non specific.

I disagree.....Christians are parasites in our economy. Churches don't pay taxes and they take money from poor and middle class people and provide no benefit. @PontifexMarximus

@nicknotes couldn't agree more with you ... However, this is an argument that can apply to all sorts of human pursuits: wars, sports, stupid tv-shows and the list goes on. The entire economy is a waste ... Trillions of dollars are wasted to make a few people rich.

@PontifexMarximus Do you see this is the title of the post. "Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it" Stay within the context. stop bullshiting.

@TuyTran888 don't be insulting because you don't understand my point.

@TuyTran888 I appear to be rather arrogant nd self righteous.. You do not understand that unspecific arguments lack impact. Furthermore you don't seem the seem the connection between religous institutions and war.


Christianity, and all other religions, are poisonous. They are a collective mysticism that damages people's minds, especially children. It disgusts me.


This question feels wrong. Asking on an agnostic/atheist site "Do u think Christianity is bad ?"?
Maybe I'm being paranoid but this post doesn't sit well with me.
Am I being to paranoid?


It's terrible and it causes people to do terrible things.


I think if a person is truly trying to follow the tenets of the New Testament, such as the beatitudes, that person is bound to be a boon to humanity. But honestly, those people are rare. Mostly fear is what is preached and absorbed resulting in hate.


In my honest opinion, I think that at this stage of human development, Christinanity and all religions are a blight upon our intellectual integrity.

Athos Level 5 May 4, 2018

They always were.


To some evangelical Christians, being an atheist is more threatening to their way of life than being an Islamic terrorist. Surveys indicate atheism is reviled more than any other philosophy. White evangelicals would favor their children marrying someone of another race or religion than marrying an atheist. Your observations about the inconsistencies and contradictions of the new and old testaments are accurate. Educated Criticism of religion is needed to point out its shortcomings and lack of logic. Hard-core religionists will never be persuaded to rethink their beliefs, but now days many religionists are ripe for change to secular humanism.

You're right! I think we threaten them MUCH more than believers in other religions. Our very happy, prosperous, healthy existence is a threat to their dogma and their piety. After all...if we're not struck by lightning or rendered into ashes...maybe they're wrong about their gawd?


People can believe what they want to believe, but, as long as it's not imposed or forced on other people

Suzie Level 1 May 4, 2018

No, When their belief that someone is gay has to put to death is definitely not ok. LEV 20:13


Christendom is not particularly bad, all religions and stifling doctrines are. The real drama is the usage of religions as instruments of power and oppression. Don't worry about the bible. There are idiots out there who will tell any nonsense some of their cult leaders exfiltrate from the bible as others do from the Koran and yet others from the Financial Times.

So to worship a murder, a torturer, and command it followers, to kill gay people is not a bad thing? What kind of person are you? Where is your moral?

Obviously you don't understand my comment. Try to make comments not personal attacks!

@PontifexMarximus I am not doing any personal attack here. You are the one that doing the shitty things, not me.


Is it a bad thing to worship a murder, command other to kill gay people?


Most people need to be led, we aren't most people.
If someone wants to believe in make believe what's the harm? Radical sects are a different story.

Good Ol Voltaire.. way ahead of his time. Sarcasm and all 🙂


I love this quote:

Me too. He was a great man. Did you know they put him in the Bastille.


With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.
Steven Weinberg
Aplys to them all even the ones we are yet to make up


The best answer I can give to this question is my free book, The Dawn of Intelligence.


Like every other religious idea, it is both stupid and dogmatic!

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