4 4

And it shows. Religion is an existential threat to the species. The Russians and Chinese must be laughing their asses off.

racocn8 9 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I know, the 54% make up the majority of my neighbors in my town, as I live in a suburb full of conservative Christians and Trumpers. The % of mouth breathers is astounding. I sometimes feel like I am surrounded by mostly people you would find at a Trump rally, gullible, ignorant, illiterate fools...


Tell us the sources for numbers you post.

This is apparently the source: []

54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022.




And that alone tells the world we're on a downward skid....


duh i wnt 2 b abl 2 reed

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