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So, is this site an echo chamber for left-wing atheists? I observe that there is a lot of blocking going on. Personally, I enjoy coming across views and opinions that are different from my own, so I haven't blocked anyone. 😛

Ryo1 8 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Believers believe lies and misinformation because they have no evidence or refuse to accept evidence, non-believers accept truth because the truth is the truth whether you believe it or not.


I never yet met a liberal who thought putting brown kids in cages was a good idea
I never met a liberal who quantified people's worth by the size of their bank account
I never met a liberal who thinks women don't have rights over their own body
I never met a liberal who thinks tax breaks for the already rich are a good idea and that poverty builds character
I never met a liberal who thinks a person's right NOT TO DIE from a treatable illness when there is a cure, should be denied because they cannot afford medicine that costs pennies to make is sold for hundreds of dollars and that this is a good thing.

EVERY right winger I have ever met DOES.

There is no not "2 sides to every story" in this context, you are either an EVIL UNCARING BASTARD or you choose not to be.

I appreciate your passion, but not sure how you can be so black and white. I mean, we are all conservative in that we want to conserve whatever is working well for us to make our lives better, and we are all liberal in that we are not afraid to make changes if we believe that they will bring advantages to us all.

@Ryo1 Equivocation is intellectually dishonest

I’m confused by the way the term “liberal” is now considered no longer to mean being measured and moderate, and following a middle way of being neither right or left wing…not given to the extremes in a political sense of the right (Conservative) or the left (Socialist) and more likely to make more reasoned, consensual, and pragmatic decisions. However, in the USA Liberal has become a pejorative term for raging lefties and as far as Americans are concerned that means there are no Socialists because the only thing left of liberals are outright Commies!

@Marionville I keep hearing, from my American acquaintances, that American society is so deeply divided politically that there is no middle way. One made a remark that in the UK, politicians from opposing parties still manage to sit on the same panel and debate on various matters in a civil manner. (I think they were refering to Question Time.) Apprently, in the US, they may agree to go on zoom debates but refuse to be in the same room physically. Thye are not likely to be able to put differences aside and get important things done that concerns everybody in the country, like the snowdrop campaign success in the UK.
BTW, the definition of liberalism is different between the UK and the US.

@Ryo1 Well that was the point I was making…the USA has changed the word liberal’s meaning…distorting it into something unrecognisable from its true meaning,

@Marionville Most social media are dominated by Americans - naturally; the U.S.A. ranks No. 3 in the list of countries by population. They have their own definitions of terms and when millions of them come on social media and talk about whatever they like on the basis of their definitions, we become affected by their definitions - if we are not careful.

@Ryo1 I’ll never surrender what I know is the correct definition of a word just because the vast number of American undereducated social media users have chosen to redefine it.

@Marionville Unfortunately, they are all over the world, many Brits included.😆 I have met many adorable Americans.

@Ryo1 I adore many Americans too…but they tend to generally fall into the more informed class of Americans and understand the true meaning of words like liberal!

Nice chatting with you, ma'am. See you around.


Both sides can't be true, listen to the source that produces evidence.


I never blocked anyone until the last few weeks, I love alternate opinion, and if you don't want to react to it just ignore it. But there are, and have been, some posters who are a problem just because of the pure number of their posts, mostly silly rubbish, which block up the pages and waste space and time, when you are looking for good opinion of all types. So far I have only blocked one and only for a short while, if he gets bored of himself too, and moderates the volume of output, then he will not be blocked again.

Blocking for a short while isn't a bad idea. It's not easy to stay open-minded. I mean if you come on already with, say, a left vs right mindset or an atheist vs. theist mindset, you are not likely to listen to opposite views respectfully even if they are reasonable.


If any serious Conservatives have anything intelligent to say here on anything substantial, I for one would be happy to engage, but I'll be dashed if I'm going to engage with 21st Century reactionary authoritarian fear-mongering anti-democratic, anti- modernist dogmatists, most of whom are as pig ignorant of ideology as they are about history or anything else and are just looking for a scrap to enliven their pathetic days. That's not an echo chamber; it's just setting a standard. Mostly I just ignore them, rather than block.

I read your comment carefully, and it's kinda ironic that when I replace 'conservatives' with "liberals", your comment still makes sense. 😛

@Ryo1 a false equivalence, in my view.

@Ryo1 No, no it doesn't, and if you genuinely think it does you are either self deluded or an idiot.


I think it's a matter of posting conspiracy theories versus actual reality that is the problem. The conspiracy theorists think they have the real truth, and the actual reality based thinkers feel they have the real truth. While so much disinformation is taking over so many people's lives, I don't see any where to meet in the middle.

There is no "in the middle" between truth an lies.
Something is either true and can be shown to be so by evidence, or is at best a mistake, at worst deliberate deceit.
This is where the world has gone to metaphorical hell, trying to to see both sides or an argument so as not to offend the monsters and liars.

You do not try to reason with a shark when it is trying to eat your children, drive it away and if it insists on coming back you kill the bastard.


it's all broken. any opinion offered up here is lipstick on a pig. America and likely much of the world is destined for a restart at best and operating on the thinnest of hopes. any opinion posted on this site is of no consequence anyway. if your insights are somehow significant you need to consider getting them out to a larger audience, or at least in a way where thier relevance can be functional. if you believe a variety of opinions holds an answer, fine, but I'm not wading thru the trash to nuture the hopelessness many are feeling. we have all seen more than enough, but most of us haven't faced the pointlessness, nor the fact that the rich and powerful aren't gonna give it up for the greater good, assuming it exist anyway. its all adds up to blah, blah, blah, of course you might be stuck in thinking that blah has a point. proceed. ✌️

What kind of restart?

@David1955 great question. i don't know, but surely this status quo can't go on indefinitely. change is inevitable, things happen faster these days, all that stuff.


I am here to respond to thought-provoking posts. Most of the posts with conservative values aren't thought-provoking, but seek to promote lies and to 'own' the libs. I see no loss in blocking such people and gain my own time back, which is now a major benefit to me.


There are several insufferable cunt bags that shit out non-stop propaganda. I generally don't block people that didn't block me first, but I've yet to find any value in anything they say. I'm fine with hearing opposing views, but sometimes the shit people say is so stupid and useless that reading and responding to combat their nonsense is like trying to put out a fire with a fan. I probably should block them because they are likely just trolls and I'd be better off. I mean, some opinions are just wrong. Is there any value to hearing the opinion that women shouldn't be allowed to work or vote? That black people should be slaves? That Jewish people should be gassed? No. Shit like that isn't a "different perspective". If you really think about it, a lot of what the Republican party stands for is also not just a different perspective. Total bans on abortion? Nope. That policy increases infant and maternal mortality, and is simply a control measure by people who hate women.


Ironically there have been posts lately about the concern for an uptick in pro-Putin/Russia, gun nuts, pro-bomb those whoever disagrees with them, who's main source of info seems to be YouTube, NewsMax or Tucker Carlson. Maybe everything just goes in cycles.

Well, everybody is entitled to their opinions. It's a shame that some are very quick to resort to derogatory, insulting comments. If they say that's their kind of fun, it's up to them. Childish, though.

@Ryo1 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion is a very left wing thing to say and has some merit
However the right wing seem to think having their own opinion means they are entitled to their own FACTS, and that is simple bullshit.

@LenHazell53 Sorry, mate. I don't like treating people in the manner of rounding them up and labelling them.

What you like or do not like is irrelevant, people proudly label themselves by their actions, speech and intent.
They don't need to be rounded up, they naturally come together and for as you said in you original post "Echo Chambers"

@LenHazell53 Yeah, I actually agree. Tribalism is part of human nature. That's why those who advocate inclusion, diversity, equality, etc., are hypocrites. They don't have a clue how difficult, if not impossible, to exercise these things in real terms. They don't realise how prfound these matters are.

" inclusion, diversity, equality," is an unnecessary over complication of a maxim that has served well for centuries
"equality fraternity liberty"


I agree with you Ryo. The only people I have blocked are those who are very rude and insulting or lunatics who spew ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories. I'm getting too old to put up with that sort of bullshit.


I enjoy playing devil's advocate, makes for interesting comment. And yes large echo chambers are formed. I'm gunna have fun when Biden is removed from office before the 2024 election, forced or not.
It started with Russia gate morphing into very polarised politics, before that the site had many good threads .
When you confront peoples ideology/ politics they used to be confronted and defend their positions, often conceding the other side has a point , but.............for example.
Now when confronted, offence is automatically taken by many who run to safe spaces, on this site called blocking.

puff Level 8 Sep 20, 2023

No bigger group of pearl-clutching pussies on this site than the "Conservative Atheists" group that will block anyone for saying a single word that isn't part of their circle jerk over Trump to protect their safe space.

@ChestRockfield I must be doing something right then as I don't see any of that therefore must have been blocked. Probably because I show no favour on who I pull the piss out of. I don't think Trump is the devil as I don't see Biden as a Messiah. i don't see Russia as the devil and NATO as the Messiah either. Or vici verca. It's called being pragmatic, each issue on it's merits, rather than be ideological driven where you stay the course regardless.

@puff Point taken.


What I observe is an almost constant barrage of posts from several alternative fact enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists and pro Russia/anti-Ukraine proponents. I don’t see much being posted from left-wing enthusiasts unless I can’t tell the difference between my left and right anymore. I haven’t blocked any of them either, but tend to think just ignoring posts that I believe have been posted merely to be contentious is best policy as the chance of having a serious exchange of views is less than negligible.

Guilty 😉
Have to disagree that not much by left wing enthusiasts is posted here. Why the poster sees it as an echo chamber. There is lots, especially childish memes.

@puff I totally ignore memes as it’s lazy posting in my opinion, and in the main they’re aimed at an American audience anyway and I have no horse in that particular race.

@Marionville You miss out, a lot of memes are quite good from both sides. But admittedly, most you just want to face palm so perhaps not missing out on much.
Keep being good


I'm with you I haven't blocked anyone on this site. I've had many block me a few unblock me then block me again lol. People can do what they want, I just ignore things I don't care to look at.

Tejas Level 8 Sep 20, 2023

So you say many blocked you. Do you know why?

@Ryo1 some people just disagree with some things I say some don't care for confrontation and some because they see me as an ass.

@Tejas did you just admit to possibly giving them good reason ? 🤔

@Switchcraft if words on a screen hurt your feelings idc. I'm adult enough to look past things that I don't care for.

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