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What is something totally new that you've done or that has happened to you or for you in the past year?

How has or hasn't it changed your life?

bleurowz 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Last year my husband and I left the country for the first time on a vacation to the Caribbean. It has made me desire to travel more. We are going on a road trip in a few weeks, with Niagara Falls, Ontario being one of our destinations, and I couldn't be more excited. We are also in the process of trying to figure out where we are going to go to celebrate our 25th anniversary in two years.


Being on this site with all this conversation. I don't do FB. l like it.


Nothing to exciting here. Still working 2 jobs. I did start making a morning protein and some other things smoothies Every morning religiously (lol) and the effects are starting to pay off. Feeling much better than I have in a long time.


I’ve given up looking for a mate … which may sound ironic due to the inordinate amount of time I spend ‘around here.’ I’m settling deeper into my community and natural surroundings ..assuming the cost of admission is going it alone 😟

Varn Level 8 May 4, 2018

Usually when you give up looking is when you meet someone.


My son married the love of his life...and I’m seeing him be the happiest ever.


I sold my parents house.


I retired, moved, bought a house, sold a house, like that.


Moved to a different state of never been to.


Last summer I went hiking. I don't have a hiking buddy right now though.


Giving myself permission to do what men have been doing for centuries - to date people younger than myself.


I rode in a Helicopter. It made me realize through my anxiety that I really do love helicopters and flying


I had a hysterectomy. I hadn’t realized how poorly I felt before getting rid of that mess. I still have the ovaries so I’m still getting a bit of the hormonal ups and downs, but nothing compared to before.


Left my wife.


Ever since I changed my life, almost everything is new.


Being diagnosed with cancer last March after puzzling symptoms for several months. Finally was able to get some cann. oil a few months back, and CT scans show the cancer been reducing, but it's not been fun, and I've not been able to work, and have barely been able to eat.

One "good" thing, I'm now as skinny as a Thai.

I got diagnosed with cancer last year, too. Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Been in remission since August. Been a struggle for me too to get back to being able to work and just function better.

@JustJan In Thailand, it's only rainy and dry season, but thanks for the thought! There are birds and flowers here year around.

@bleurowz I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you've been through, as I'm sure each experience is different, but it's been pretty unpleasant.

@birdingnut Thank you. I'm managing. I struggle mainly with fatigue and neuropathy. Ironically getting sick woke me up to realizing I'd sort of been half-living my life. It kind of still floors me that that's what it took.


11 months back had major eye surgery that was a failure, 3 months back tore both shoulders, life has become a bit of a drag for now, still active, but to a much lesser degree.

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