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Isn't it time that Russia, & other European countries applied to the World Court to have the US government charged under the rules of the Georgia Rico Act for its attempted fraud of selling obsolete munitions to Ukraine in pursuit of its proxy war against Russia?

Why has USA long plotted the provocation of Russia to defend its people from Ukrainian fascist genocide in Ukraine?
Why was Russia not accepted into NATO?
Why did Obama & sycophants cause the murder of Libya's President Gadaffi & subsequent invasion of Europe by African refugees?

FrayedBear 9 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Y'all think we're selling our top of the line shit? You're a dumb motherfucker if you think we're letting our state-of-the-art shit off the chain. Nah, we always want the upper hand in any potential conflict. You can start a war with us to see the shit we got though... 🤣

All the more reason for charging you under RICO rules.

@FrayedBear We ain't skurred.

@ChestRockfield lol, the world however will be a better place for the majority when you are scoured from it.

@FrayedBear I'm fine with that, too, cause we're not going out with a whimper.

@ChestRockfield pityful.

@FrayedBear Dude, you're not saying anything marvel. The world would be better if ALL humans were eliminated from it. We are a plague and are no more deserving of dominion over the Earth than any other randomly evolved lifeform. So I guess congratulations on your ability to see the small picture?

@ChestRockfield OCD

Everybody, I'm devastated from that comeback. What can I do to survive that burn?


We also sell obsolete aircraft to other countries as well. Russia does not want NATO, they want empire and Gadaffi was a bad man. He brought down some aircraft to show his power and killed lots of people.

Obama is a bad man. Bush is a bad man. Clinton is a bad woman. Trump is a bad man. Biden is a bad man. They've all resulted in far more deaths in far more places than Gaddafi ever did.

@FrayedBear And Mother Teresa and the Catholic church killed more people than all of those people you mentioned combined times ten. I wonder how fucking boring and annoying I'd be if that was all I talked about every single day from my shitty little corner of the world.

@ChestRockfield to use a term that you are obviously familiar with - if wasn't for the shitty behaviour of Americans & their country I wouldn't need to make any suggestions to rid the world of your pestilent cancer like behaviour.

@FrayedBear Again, you're being an idiot. It's not everyday Americans that are the problem. Most of us are fat, lazy, stupid, and easily distracted, like a majority of all humans. You and your cohorts fuckin' complain CONSTANTLY about how awful your leadership is, but you're not following it up with personal responsibility. Yet somehow the citizenry of America is personally responsible for the rich [short-sighted, greedy, awful] motherfuckers that pull the strings here. Stop being a dumb fucking cunt and show a little consistency in your objections.

@ChestRockfield "Most of us are fat, lazy, stupid, and easily distracted" & how you squeal like the stuck pig when it is pointed out to you to encourage you out of your stupidity.

@FrayedBear Said the pot to the kettle. You've been whining like a little bitch about your leadership yet you still haven't effectively changed it to meet the ideals you hold for it? Why? Because there is nothing lowly citizens can do. But you're so fuckin' stupid you can't see that the faults you accuse others of are also yours in spades.

@ChestRockfield you know nothing!

@FrayedBear Then why isn't your country this perfect place the rest of us can model ourselves after?

@ChestRockfield, @FrayedBear Likewise why is Australia not this perfect place to model ourselves after? If you do not live here you are only causing distraction.

@ChestRockfield, @DenoPenno Australia like USAI isa colonial country . Unlike USA Australia was a penal colony founded on criminals & religious perverts. USA on slavery, religious perverts & malcontents.

@FrayedBear So, again, why haven't you made Australia perfect? You've been there a lot longer than I've been here; you should have had that accomplished by now considering you're shitting on me for not having done it here.

@ChestRockfield unlike you I don't arrogantly & stupidly require everyone to do as I do. Particularly with regard to Australia where sadly too many have been brainwashed & conned into believing that Americans supporting & financing war, genocide, theft, murder & mayhem as the USA has done for a long time in many disparate parts of the world is the correct thing to do.

@FrayedBear No, you're just the dumb motherfucker that's requiring everyone so as you say. It's obviously not do as you do, because your ass hasn't done shit.

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