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So sometimes I get hoodies printed for a giggle, here's last month's. I consider myself a light hearted activist, fortunately the UK is quite secular so I'm unlikely to get shot for wearing this. It has got some positive comments even from the religious, and got people to reason with their conflicting faith and logic.

Dav87 6 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Wait... you came up with that entire thing yourself?? I thought you read it somewhere and found it funny, so you bought it on some online shop. (snickers) Now that is just excellent!

... too bad im not an atheist. althought it could work for an agnostic like myself because I do believe if ever a god or god-head were proven, it would surely not be Anything like the god of Christianity nor have any association with the Holy Bible. Hence, I could super easily poke fun of Christian god as an agnostic!

Okay so now I need one of these.

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

do they come with skittles?

turf Level 5 Dec 9, 2017

I like it. Like it a lot.




I love that hoodie!! I want one.


From what I'm hearing on this site and in the news I wouldn't wear it in Alabama.Never been there and no desire to visit sorry.


I like it. Do you sell those?

No I'm not selling them, I found a company online that does good quality printing at a reasonable price. Maybe I should go into business for the atheist market! Ha ha!

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