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Sense of Purpose

What is purpose? What gives life purpose? If we lose our sense of purpose can we gain it back or make a new one? Is having no sense of purpose the way we become desparate and unhappy? Or "enllightened"?

Trin81 4 May 4

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Sense of purpose would mean you have no will and are here accomplish something for someone

Mets Level 6 Nov 18, 2018

It is different for everyone and that's one of the many reasons life is so interesting. My sense of purpose is to be productive and successful by learning as much as I can on any given subject. Again, my sense of purpose does not have to be yours.


As a child I wanted to, 'make the world a better place'. I guess I kind of gave that a go by doing Community Studies and working in the Welfare sector. After suffering burn out, in quite a remote and hostile work environment, I changed to Administration: but was still working for a Team that supported children with disabilities in care, so still felt helpful. Recently I've been trying to assess how to still make a difference while protecting my health and lifestyle as I age.


I am commonly referred to as an over thinker. So having said that I think that through phases in my life that purpose is or can be subjective. When my daughter was born you was my main purpose as she grew. Making sure she had the tools to choose what she wanted to do. Prior to the birth of my daughter I have to admit that my purpose was having fun, and just going with the flow ( though that was quite empty in hind sight ). I find now that what gives me purpose is music, writing, and enjoying my life ... I still over think things but it seems to be more fluid now and less dramatic!


It's probably the same thing but I refer to this purpose as my 'mojo' It comes and goes depending on any given situation. My mojo also applies to a variety of things. I lost a lot of weight but lost my getting healthy mojo so put a lot back on, I found my decorating mojo recently and so the bathroom got done, I've got a gardening and car maintenance mojo going at the moment. I guess my mojo is where my purpose lies 🙂


Empathy & Apathy. I personally refuse Sympathy. Pitying anyone in this Being is a sad joke on yourself & robs others. For me, the sad part is when you are aware of just how blameless anyone could be, you lose that innocence. If you are not driven to inaction or see the dire futility of one Will over another.. Or even the Greater Good.. The subjectivity of Life itself.


Purpose only makes sense in context. A tool can have a purpose, an end, but you don’t have a purpose. You're not an end goal. Your actions can have purpose, but you do not. The term only makes sense in human life, in society or in our culture. It’s anthropomorphic to ascribe it outside of our culture.

I think the correct term is "sense of purpose". We are beings with a psyche that seems to need a driving force, accomplishments, sense of worthiness......or we become unhappy. Seemingly....anyway. I was curious as to the implications of having no sense of purpose, whether that be a quest for knowledge, helping others, family, etc. I imagine that sense of purpose keeps us " connected" to the human race.

A sense of purpose is illusory. I think you mean function. A function in an organization could give you a sense of purpose.


I agree with so many comments here....myself being an introvert by nature and not feeling the need to fit in or belong, my sense of purpose comes from different places than say, an extrovert. And I wasn't implying that we each have one purpose, but what drives us.....such as having experiences, being with family, creating art? Thanks for all of the insight!


Purpose is what you find to be most important, what gives life purpose for me is contributing to make the world a better place for all by helping thos who are less fortunate than us. One does not simply lose a sense of purpose, we realign and reflect, and then act on what is important to us. Having no sense of purpose I feel cpuld certainly lead to unhappiness. Only by helping others do we help ourselves

Like your comment! And I think that is what I was working towards in my post. When we lose our sense of purpose in life how does it affect our personal state of happiness. How do we "re-align" ourselves to a new sense of purpose.
I especially like your comment in its direction to help others.....what a great direction to go!


Taking my first consious breath each day is enough for me. I’m driven by curiosity to see new things, meet new people or confront new ideas. Even if I became immortal, I could never quench my curiosity. But what do I know? I had my first shot of alcohol yesterday.


Taking my first consious breath each day is enough for me. I’m driven by curiosity to see new things, meet new people or confront new ideas. Even if I became immortal, I could never quench my curiosity. But what do I know? I had my first shot of alcohol yesterday.


Staying curious. Every day a new beginning.



What gives me purpose is my family. My children. I also just enjoy the process of even without kids, I believe I'd find purpose in other things that were fulfilling.


Some people seem to need a sense of purpose some don't. I have never felt that need. It has always been about experiences for me. You either have them or you don't.


It depends on our age/station in life
when young - our biological purpose is to procreate -- (ask any 18 YO male...!)
as we reach middle age - our purpose is to raise/support the children/family (I owe, I owe, It's off to work I go)

-- the question becomes knottier after menopause and the kids move far enough away that being a grand parent involves a trip -- We make our own purposes now -- they are as varied as our interests. Some mentor, some lead a purely hedonistic life -- Whatever rows ones boat --

Is not having a purpose/goal a problem? probably - but hell, even sitting in a chair w/ wine and enjoying the seasons, a golden sunset and thinking good thoughts -- can't be that bad. I wonder whether it's enlightenment if it's not shared w/ others?


Without a sense of purpose there is no sense of belonging. Most of us want to feel belonged somewhere. So, I think without a sense of purpose we feel unhappy.

Simply belonging is a motivator for some people, but certainly not all. I have never felt a great urge to be accepted or to belong to most groups. In that sense, I have never been a "joiner." I am who I am, and try to treat others with respect.


I think that the strength of our relationship with other people constitute our purpose in life, and while the loss of a friend or a lover or even a pet can be devastating, there are others and if we are willing to risk our emotions we can start all over again.

cava Level 7 May 4, 2018

Someone feels expendable in that context. I don't mean to mince or twist your words. Yet, my take would be to say it silences the agony of that loss because your very existence will be a suffering, inflicted on others, without their or your consent. Infinite regression of innocence by our ancestors.


You have to make your own purpose; it’s notgoing to be handed to you. And it can be changed, and sometimes must be. We need to evolve to the circumstances we find ourselves in, or go under.


Its pretty arbitrary based on what interests & drives you.


I've never understood why there needs to be a purpose.

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