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The Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, whom Isiah Berlin called “the conscience of Israel,” warned that if Israel did not separate church and state it would give rise to a corrupt rabbinate that would warp Judaism into a fascistic cult.He saw that prolonged occupation of the Palestinians would inevitably spawn “concentration camps.” “Israel,” he said, “would not deserve to exist, and it will not be worthwhile to preserve it.” The next stage of this struggle will be a massive campaign of industrial slaughter in Gaza by Israel, which has already begun. Israel is convinced greater levels of violence will finally crush Palestinian aspirations. Israel is mistaken. The terror Israel inflicts is the terror it will get. SCHEERPOST.COM

Chris Hedges: Palestinians Speak the Language of Violence Israel Taught Them
October 8, 2023


And just as the Spanish fascists resulted in volunteers throughout the world pouring into Spain to fight fascism it is likely that the same will occur here only it is also probable that retribution will occur against Jews no matter where they live in the world.

Just as Congress members are coming to the conclusion that Ukraine pay for its war materials let Israel pay for the sharpshooters that will be needed in every synagogue to protect the innocent worshippers.

See also Chris Hedges report 4 days later at "This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen

Washington and European governments are ..."

FrayedBear 9 Oct 9

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I am of Jewish decent though raised Christian.
Lessons I have learned in researching my ancestry

All Zionist are Jews
NOT All Jews are Zionist
All Israelis are Jews (this is why they do not call themselves Israelites only 12% of Israelites were Jews) either by naturalization and ancestry, birth and ancestry or if they are Aliyah (ancestrally Jewish within two generations).
However non citizen gentiles can have residency in Israel as a Hebrew speaking non Jew who has passed the Hebrew speaking examination.
NOT All Jews are Israelis, not by Theology, Politics, ideology, culture or citizenship.

Most anti-Semites refuse to acknowledge this, an opinion unfortunately shared by many members of the current Israeli government.

Edited thanks to being quite drunk when I wrote this, and with thanks to those who drew my attention to it.

"All Israelis are Jews" XX Wrong.
If you ever visited Israel you would know that. The country has many citizens of different religions. There are Druze, Bedouins and other Muslims. The 3rd largest party in the Knesset is arab. There are also Christians and Samaritans. In fact, an Israeli Muslim has more civil rights than any other country in the region. Okay, I know that is like saying "I am the nicest guy in this prison" because of the low bar of surrounding nations but please get your facts right.

Sorry to pile on, Len, but there's a problem with your grammar. I think I know what you mean when you say "All Jews are NOT Zionist." You mean there are some Jews who are Zionists, and some who are not, right? If that's what you want to say, then it should be "Not all Jews are Zionists," or "Some Jews are Zionists, and some are not." What you wrote literally means that NO Jews are Zionists. Even I, a gentile who has never visited Israel, know that's not true. 🙂

@273kelvin Thank you I have extrapolated on my meaning, on what actually constitutes and is accepted as an Israeli, by their own laws in my edit.

@Flyingsaucesir Corrected cheers

@LenHazell53 Druze, Bedouins and Samaritans have full Israeli citizenship and serve in the Israeli military. Other non-Jews do not have to serve* but still have full voting rights.

*Many do volunteer to serve.

@273kelvin, @Flyingsaucesir thank you for your valuable elucidations & corrections.
IMO one seemingly overlooked factor when screaming Hamas war criminal is the fact that all adult citizens of Israel are required to undertake military service and until reaching certain age remain on reservists lists. Therefore with few exceptions every Israeli on palestinian land is an invader not covered by protection from action by palestinians defending their land. Conversely all Palestinians killed by Israeli action are victims of genocide & war crimes.

>>>thanks to being quite drunk when I wrote this,
I can soooo relate! Lol


I guess the Islamic nut jobs being funded by Iran have completely separated their social structure along the lines of church and state already.

Please explain your remark.


I heard there is a wide spread movement by many in Australia to have you expelled from the country.

As usual you spout your WMD.

Assuming that you pass this titbit on in the hope of causing me discomfort & hope that it occurs I can see that you are typically American in spreading desire to create fear, statelessness & homelessness.

Can your Royal high poobah of all things legal please explain to us, mere mortals under which legislation of either the US, Australia or any other Western democracy where a citizen can be "expelled"? Not deported but exiled like some medieval prince? Is this a legal thing yet or just a right-wing to-do-list wet dream? In which case you can have Piers Morgan, James Corden and Simon Cowell.
Nb. FrayedBear and I differ on many opinions but I respect his right to hold them as he does mine.

@273kelvin I assume you are not serious. If you were, I doubt you'd appreciate an exact response.

By the way, have you read our Supreme Court decisions recently?

@FrayedBear You don't have to worry about homelessness because your country knows you need to be kept in solitary confinement.

@Alienbeing No, has SCOTUS brought in an exile law? Do tell me, did they follow the Australian lead, was their own idea or did they all come to see you for advice?

@273kelvin thx Kelvin.

@273kelvin, @Alienbeing like I say alien you are full of WMD - words of mass deception.
Quite simply IMO one seemingly overlooked factor when screaming Hamas war criminal is the fact that all adult citizens of Israel are required to undertake military service and until reaching certain age remain on reservists lists. Therefore with few exceptions every Israeli on Palestinian land is an invader not covered by protection from action by Palestinians defending their land. Conversely all Palestinians killed by Israeli action are victims of genocide & war crimes.

@FrayedBear Does that also mean that both you and Alienbeing are invaders? For the two of you occupy land seized by force from the indigenous people of your respective countries. Just because it happened a long time ago does not negate the crime or is there a statute of limitations on land appropriation?
The fact that both sides seek to take the moral high ground in a situation where they both slaughter innocent civilians would be funny if it were not so disgusting.

@273kelvin I did not invade. I have only been here longer than the average Australian & was not only invited but paid to come here nearly 50 years ago thus being part of the British brain drain. The point on that is that I was not like many educated at the cost of the UK taxpayer - even my senior school severely failed to educate me beyond age 16 & simply wasted two years of my life. My qualification was all through correspondence course paid for by myself out of the slave wage that I was paid for 4 years. . . I was the first & only area rep who worked to improve the wages of a group of people some of whom were not paid more than the national health stamp per week for a 40 hour week.
Returning to your assumption & conclusion regarding my behaviour vis a vis the Australian FNP in my time here they have done far more harm to me in return for the many favours & advantages (gifts, time & knowledge) than I have given them. In terms of occupying FNP land the Australian FNP do not believe in land ownership, they are servants of the land. For 6 years I lived on what had once been an aboriginal burial site long after it was desecrated by rapacious invaders who stripped the soil, & graves, in order to mine the rock. That land sheltered and protected me for 6 years. In return I respected it & defended it until one day whilst I defended it from a drunken, probably white motorist, he ran me over & left me for dead. This was 20 years ago. It is also why I carry the monicker of FrayedBear as I was left & recognised by the courts here as being 36% disabled according to US rules for measuring disability ie. The rules are biased against the victim.

@273kelvin When you cease to avoid answering let me know. Your attempts at humor are horrible.

@FrayedBear Yeah and Israelis have a whole load of excuses and "White man's burden stories" as well, plus they really love the land too.
I am sure the FNP did not invite you any more than they invited Capt. Cooke.
To Call Israelis invaders and Palestinians terrorists fail to address any problems. Israel will continue to exist and so will the Palestinians. The intractability of both sides is the problem. How can meaningful dialogue be made when neither side recognises the other's right to exist?

@273kelvin did alien ask a question of you? Was it in his usual gibberish?

@Alienbeing You go on and on ad nauseam, about a SCOTUS ruling I was not even arguing about, crow all around the playground like the child you are whilst no one else fucking cares.
I would never expect someone like you to find any humour directed at themselves as funny. You see to enjoy that kind of thing you would have to possess a modicum of humility. (Google it)

@FrayedBear Oh he thinks he may have known more about US law than I did. Then he kept going on and on about it, even when it was out of context. Trying to needle me about SCOTUS rulings and such. Like I fucking care.

@273kelvin quite agree the Australian FNP did not invite me. Equally they have not paid trillions of dollars out of their taxes to house, maintain health & educate themselves nor give them huge tracts of land & the financial wherewithal to manage said land.
Are you aware of the benefits given to Australian FNP who, themselves like the N.American FNP, are invaders albeit in Australia's case invaders of 50,000 years ago?

@273kelvin lol, I think in his delusions he believes that he not only was a successful practitioner of American jurisprudence but also wrote much of US law.

@FrayedBear Do you not think Israel gives aid to the West Bank and Gaza? I have a zionist friend who is forever posting about all the great things Israel does for them and "Are they grateful?" etc. In other words, white man's burden stories if you look at it from oppressor/oppressed but people tying to get along with life if you don't.

@FrayedBear FFS do not go into shit that happened thousands of years ago when talking about Israel or we will be here all week lol

@FrayedBear My point about land appropriation was not to point fingers per sa. But rather to explain that no parties have hands clean enough to take a high moral stance. If you truly believe Israel has no right to exist then what do you expect them to do? All pack up and move to Florida? That would be as naive as not recognising the Palestinian grievances.

@273kelvin if USA did not support & provide the means for Israel to perpetrate the inhumanities that it does it would not be able to do so.

@FrayedBear If you think that Israel could not survive without US aid then you are very much mistaken. I have never personally met any people more patriotic than an Israeli. Sure 6bn helps but if it was not there then Israel would be asking Jews all over the world to help. Add to that that nearly every Israeli would give their lifeblood to defend their country.
America (and other members of 5 Eyes Coalition, inc. UK and Aus) get to have a permanent friend in the region. Which like it or not we benefit from.

@273kelvin Why is it that over there ordinary people put so much importance in the 5 eyes gang?
I never hear ordinary Australians ever mentioning it. Is it some sort of woo mantra that you have all been led to believe in that benefits & keeps you safe from boogie men in the dark? They probably create the boogie men.

Talking of boogie men , have you commented on the post in Aussie Sceptics asking why is your electricity ten times dearer than Russian? Is it because you also allow nonsensical profiteering like the Americans or is it that the UK nationalised power generation is unbelievably & politically corrupt?

@FrayedBear We don`t get to choose what country we are born into although some may pick another. Like it or not we are part of Western Democracies. We get to live in a 1st world nation, enjoy relative freedoms of speech/assembly etc. and thankfully been free from domestic conflict for 70 years or more. If you do not agree with the alliances that provide such stability, go live somewhere else.

Not since Thatcher have we had nationalised utilities. So profiteering would be the correct answer, (+5% VAT) although I suspect that Russia has subsidised electricity or extremely cheap gas

@273kelvin profiteering to create more political corruption. I fortunately missed the grocer's offspring's rule of tyranny & inhumanity.

@FrayedBear The most ironic and possibly conspiratorial historical take with hindsight regarding Maggie is the coal mines. The closing of which defined her as the villainess of the piece, yet as time has moved on I see the same type of protesters who used to rail against mine closures, being climate activists. No smelly Herberts digging up motorways holding signs saying "REOPEN THE COAL MINES". If I were inclined to be kind to the lady, I might point out that Dennis was an oil exec and we all know they had the dope on climate change decades before the shit hit the public fan.

@273kelvin The irony probably is that Australian coal mines are probably still digging up & exporting each as much coal in one month as the UK produced in a year. What Maggy did was political spite not environmental concern.
On those protesting climate activists & smelly Herbert's I'm reminded of tree huggers 40 years ago saving the forrests by chaining themselves 60' up trees spending their time on their phones containing batteries produced at great expense current & future to the environment.
I still hold my view that no politician is a good pollie until they have been dead for at least 50 years. I won't be alive to see me Maggy come out of sanction so to me she will never achieve state of grace.

@273kelvin The Supreme Court ruling I referenced was EXACTLY what you droned about. YOU declared our Second Amendment did not extend to individuals whereas the Court said exactly the opposite.

Woould you like me to copy and paste the incorrect assumptions YOU made?

As for your feeble attempts to insult, you should remember that you cannot insult me because I view your opinions as unfounded and basically ignorant.

@273kelvin I "think" I know more about U.S. law than you? I "think"?

To use an old saying "I forgot more about U.S. law than you will ever know". Nothing in your background qualifies you to even have an opinion of U.S. law.

Which law school (U.S. or otherwise) did you even attend? Were you ever admitted to practice law anywhere?

The reason you don't care about Court rulings is they PROVE that your prior posts were wrong in all aspects. You can't admit you just don't know, but th proof was plain for anyone to see.

@Alienbeing Show me exactly where I said the 2ndA did not apply to individuals because you just assumed I did. My contention had nothing to do with individual ownership but with potential insurrection which you would know if you had read it properly. This leads me to think that you were never that much cop at lawyering if you cannot read accurately.

@FrayedBear I agree that Magie needed to be buried at a crossroads with a steak through her heart but whilst I thought at the time nobody could ever be worse than her...

@273kelvin your comment "Israel will continue to exist and so will the Palestinians" is looking a little fatuous given the current US protected Israeli invasion of Gaza.
Is this some sort of very sick Israeli belief that retribution is still required from humanity for the WWII holocaust in Europe & Russia?

@FrayedBear My daughter and ex did not invade either. However, had they booked their holiday a few weeks earlier, they could have been a legitimate target according to your criteria.
Hamas makes no distinction between tourist Jews or elderly holocaust survivors. on their land or elsewhere, you are marked for death as an infidel. If the Aboriginal people of Australia had the same philosophy as Hamas, you would be a target.

@273kelvin what makes you think they don't have that objective? I may have evidence that what you suggest has already been attempted against me.

@273kelvin I just returned from a nice long visit to Japan and I find your 10/13 reply It is even more moronic thanyour usual gibberish.

You absolutly did say our Second Amendment did not apply to individuals. I am not going to take the trouble to find your old post because if you NOW agree our Second Amendment does apply to individuals that is fine with me.

Last, as respects writing ability. How many composition courses did you take (and pass) in college? How many Legal writing courses did you take (and pass) in Law School?

Oh, I forgot, your education stopped at High School.

When you get a real education, then perhaps (although I doubt it) then you can make an educated analysis.

@FrayedBear Isreal's bombardment and probable invasion of the Gaza strip has nothing to do with the Nazi persecution of Jews. It has everything to do with Hamas (with the approval of most Palestinians) terrorist incursions into Isreal.

Perhaps you don't get news down under, or probably more orrect you are too busy readig RU to know much.

@FrayedBear I did not invade North America. However my ancestors did, and they killed anyone who stood in the way. After the successful invasion we then kiled as many Red Coats as we could and kicked the remaining Red Coats out of N. America.

@Alienbeing Evidence Mr big-time lawyer, evidence. Do you know what that is and how to show it? Let me break out the big crayons and tell you. 1) You find the comment that I made that supports your assertion. 2) Click the left-hand button on your mouse and hold it down. 3) Move the mouse over the text you want. 4) If the text is coloured blue, click the right-hand button which will give you a menu. 5) Click on "copy" with the left-hand button. 6) Come back to these comments, reply, and click the right-hand button again but this time click on "paste" with the left-hand button.
This would be a definitive answer to my question "Show me exactly where I said the 2ndA did not apply to individuals because you just assumed I did." (see how that copy/paste thing works) and not just an assertion to back up your earlier assertion. But I suppose you got away with - Judge; "Can you point out the particular part of the document that states that?"
You; "Well it does, your honour"

@Alienbeing what part of Israel did the Hamas Palestinians invade?

They didn't.

They attacked Israeli occupying forces, aka settlers, in Palestine.
Ping @273kelvin

@Alienbeing the sad thing is that whilst you may have passed "composition courses in college & Legal writing courses in Law School" your standard of writing comments on here is about on a par with Kelvin's dyslexic spelling & none of us here are responsible for the abysmally low standards applied in your US educational institutions.
By the way alien what is your IQ? I doubt that it comes within 20 points of Kelvin's however your rating on the sociopathic & stupidity scale is far far greater.
Ping @273kelvin

@FrayedBear We all know how incorrect you usually are so I will just smirk at your 10/24 post.

@FrayedBear Their Southern Border. Try reading newspapers.

@273kelvin I said in part " am not going to take the trouble to find your old post because if you NOW agree our Second Amendment does apply to individuals that is fine with me."

When you figure out what that simple sentnce says, let me know.

Perhps going on to higher education is somethng you really need to look into.

BTW Do you or do you not agree that the US Constitution's second amendment guarantees INDIVIDUAL rights?

In closing, thanks for the laugh. Your very poor attemot to sound as if you have a clue of how to approach the Bench shows better than i ever could your lesser education level.

@Alienbeing " I will just smirk at your 10/24 post" - you smirk alone because on the phone app I have no way of identifying what date replies are made to comments or indeed the date of the lead post.

@Alienbeing and apart from Egypt having been bought off and agreeing in 1979 to a border with Israel it is my understanding that Palestine, Syria, Jordan & Lebanon do not recognise the borders claimed by Israel.
They are the countries that matter.

@Alienbeing " I did not invade North America. However my ancestors did, and they killed anyone who stood in the way After the successful invasion we then kiled (sic) as many Red Coats as we could." And yet you wish to be known as the Alienbeing! Were your ancestors also alien in that they performed genocide on their fellow invaders or do you differentiate it as blood lust hence calling them Redcoats?
Like I said earlier you rate highly on the stupidity & sociopathic scales.

@Alienbeing I know what I said and you do not. Your bluster and arrogance are no substitute for evidence and laziness is no excuse.

@273kelvin Your opinion is only of interest to afford us the opportunity to correct you.

@FrayedBear Your memory issues are again showing. Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan all LOST wars with Israel. It is quite usual for the loser of all wars to lose territory. What's new.

As far as your reference to Palistine, there is not, nor ever was a Counrty called Palistine.

@FrayedBear Never alone.MANY MANY people her have smirked at you, even laughed. I guess you haven't read their replies, or probablynmore correct, you didn't understand their replies.

@Alienbeing "us" Have you now taken to using the royal "We" now?
You are full of shit and will remain so until you back up your verbiage with facts.

@Alienbeing quite agree old chum there never was either a country or country called Palistine.

But this is your problem alien being an illiterate. At least dyslexic berated by you Kelvin found a solution. You in your benighted belief of your superiority are too stupid or arrogant to do so.

@Alienbeing "Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan all LOST wars with Israel. It is quite usual for the loser of all wars to lose territory." - which international law are you calling on to substantiate your assertion?

@FrayedBear Are you really that dumb? "International Law" is at best an illusion because as a Soverign Country any Cpuntry can simply ignore any such "law" and many frequently do.

That aside, look at the European borders before and after WW 1 & WW 2 then is you still don't see the obvious border changes, immediatly go for help.

@FrayedBear First, Kelvin could not argue his way our of a paper bag. He (and maybe you) think he is smart. Nah, at best he spouts off.

Actually I have no thought of superiority, EXCEPT when it involves you or Kelvin. BOTH of you have been proven not to know much about topcs you post. Both of you are only typical Socialist hacks, using emotion, not fact in your "arguments".

@FrayedBear, @273kelvin When you have a good fact, let me know. Until then please contnue to play with your equals......... assuming you can find anyone other than FrayedBear. You & Frayed make a beautiful couple.

@Alienbeing More arrogance and bluster from a man avoiding being called out on his mistake.
Again I call on you to copy/paste where I was wrong and I will shut up. Until then I suggest you do the same and stop digging a bigger hole for yourself.

@Alienbeing " assuming you can find anyone other than FrayedBear." Mmmm, How many followers do you have? Are they over double digits? Do they include any regular members who are not trolls or scammers?
How many likes do your arrogant bluster comments get? Do they get as many as my taking the piss out of said pomposity?
Now I do not court popularity, I already have my T-shirt and have no great need for excessive points. Any points or followers are just a natural consequence of my engagement with other members but I am quite confident that should I leave this site, I would be missed...You would not. I say this not out of a sense of self-importance but from proven figures.
Again I say to you STOP DIGGING!

@273kelvin Since I have no clue what you mean by "stop digging" I can't compose an appropriate reply.

@273kelvin I made no mistake. You proved several times that you don't know what you are talking about. If you feel slighted by me not wishing to spend time searching for you, too bad, you really don't mean that much to me.

@Alienbeing "you really don't mean that much to me."...Except you keep replying with your bluster but you could shut me up definitively "if" you simply copy/paste where I was wrong. I maintain you cannot, not won't. Prove me wrong or stfu.

@273kelvin You have a point., so I will cease to comment on your uneducated nonsense until you make your next absurd remark.

@Alienbeing Very good


It's only the MAGA crazy caucus and a few other penny-wise-and-pound-foolish Republicans who seriously consider cutting off aid to Ukraine; a distinct minority.

Nice try conflating the Isreal-Palestine mess with Ukraine, Frayed Russian Bear. Fortunately, Vlad the Invader is not going to get off that easy. The US and Europe will continue to provide Ukraine the means to continue kicking Putin's ass.

As for the current situation in the Levant, both sides are to blame, but Israel, I think, bears more of the responsibility, due to their continued illegal expansion of settlements in the West Bank. The kind of policies carried out under Netanyahoo-led, hard-line authoritarian government are bad for everyone in the long run. We can expect the same kind of rot if Trumputin/MAGA ever rises to the fore in the USA. Perish the thought!

Lol, I'm not trying anything. The Israeli situation was a forerunner of the Ukraine debacle.
And if you want to know who first practiced the behaviour it was probably the French.

@FrayedBear Genghis khan came before Napoleon.

An intersting opinion out today:

@Flyingsaucesir did Khan practice internment in genocidal internment camps? I thought that he simply immediately slaughtered all possible future problem makers.

@FrayedBear If I recall correctly, pretty much anyone Khan left alive would have been enslaved.

@Flyingsaucesir lol thats another descriptor for internment camp but not necessarily genocidal.

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