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LINK Museums betraying their public responsibility

Very distressing to read about this nonsense.

Carbine 6 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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There's no such thing as trans ideology, so no need to read further. Just another evangelical upset that their Christian gender ideology is no longer the law of the land.


I have no doubts about people all throughout history feeling that they are really the wrong sex and some going so far as to want to be addressed as that particular sex. What I do have plenty of doubt about is choices of personal pronouns as to how they want to be addressed and the use of "they" or "them" and other such bullshit as we run onto today. Some would have us believe that 2000 years ago the citizens wanted to be addressed and treated as the LGBTQ community today fights for. Humans have not changed much but human thought has changed. If we keep going with this some genius will tell us all that they found an ancient society of Republicans.

Lot of words for "I want LGTB people to go back in the closet."

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