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LINK Fox Hosts Stunned That Women Aren’t Into Pro-Trump Guys -- The Daily Beast

(I was really tempted to categorize this under "silly, random and fun", but they were serious do "politics" it is.)

Several Fox News hosts didn’t seem to understand why most young women tend to not want to date supporters of Donald Trump, as some surveys have shown.

On Outnumbered, the panel of four women—and one former Democratic congressman—reacted to a recent editorial in The Washington Post and a column in Salon, each of which addressed ideological polarization in dating but came away with different stances on the issue.

Rachel Campos-Duffy, whose Republican husband, Sean Duffy, is a former congressman and current Fox News contributor, said she felt “sorry for” women who aren’t interested in supporters of the former president, who once bragged about being able to “grab [women] by the pussy.” Her reason? Because “they’re going to date—and maybe ultimately marry—a bunch of beta guys who will want to split the check, won’t open the door, won’t protect them.”

“I think that this idea that Trump voters are somehow repugnant is repugnant,” she argued. “These are great men. Many of them are the ones that are keeping this country running and putting food on the table, and they’re farmers, and they’re factory workers, and they’re soldiers.”

In the next breath, Campos-Duffy acknowledged that “politics matters only because politics reflects values in a lot of ways.”

Later on, co-host Emily Compagno argued that the “common denominator” in relationships is “being respectful.”

“If the person within is good and respectful,” she said, “it doesn’t matter.”

Meanwhile, former Trump White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany claimed the Salon column—titled “It’s a good thing most women don’t want to date Trump voters”—was a “‘basket of deplorables’ moment” for the publication.

Fox’s Sandra Smith added that she “would like to get back to a place where you don’t date people based on their party.”

snytiger6 9 Dec 1

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"If you are a Trump supporter hit the back button NOW," I wrote in my dating profile.


"I'm seeking an athletic, intelligent man with a great sense of humor who treats me with respect and kindness. Shared recreational activities are a bonding experience for couples. That's why I want a man who also loves hiking and only shoots with a camera."

This didn't stop MAGA idiots. Apparently they can't read. That's why I insisted on a phone conversation before meeting.

Trump idiots are under the delusion of and convinced that people who don't admire Trump don't really know what they want.


Fox hosts spend a lot of time being stunned. When your world view is an adolescent male fantasy, it comes with the territory.


I live in the largest city in my state, a state which is now almost as red as a southern state, at least in the rural areas of it, and even in my city, which is one of the most diverse, racially and politically, a good half of the women in my local dating pool, are conservatives and Trumpers. I don't know about young women, as I am old and don't see their profiles, but like I said, at least half the women in my local dating pool and age group will date these guys. I sure as hell won't date a conservative or Trumper woman, both because their values would obviously be opposed to mine and it would be nothing but a recipe for conflict and bitterness. In this present state of polarized conflict, the only people who don't put their political affiliation or viewpoint in their dating profiles, should be people who are apolitical, because any single person who doesn't care about the other person's politics, and values, is probably not that concerned with finding someone that is a serious match for something long term and serious, as far as romantic relationships.


Let us hope this is evolution in action.

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