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LINK Dick Cheney told Liz to "defend the Republic" days before Jan. 6 -- Axios

Three days before the Jan. 6 insurrection, then-Rep. Liz Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, orchestrated the publication of an open letter in the Washington Post.

Why it matters: The letter, signed by all 10 living secretaries of defense, stressed the dangers of the military getting involved in the outcome of the election.

Driving the news: In an excerpt from her forthcoming book, "Oath and Honor," out Tuesday, Cheney describes sitting in her father's study on New Year's Eve, on the phone with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his daughter, Marcy, to secure his signature for the letter:

"When my dad finished reading, he paused. Rumsfeld said he would sign on. Then Marcy spoke up, her voice breaking with emotion: 'Thank God someone is finally doing something.' "The next day, Phil, the kids, and I went to my parents' house for a New Year's Day lunch. As we were leaving, my father came outside to the driveway. He walked around to the passenger side of my car and gave me a hug. Then he looked at me and with steel in his voice said, 'Defend the republic, daughter.'"

"I will, Dad," Cheney replied. "Always."

The big picture: Cheney became a household name during the House's Jan. 6 hearings.

She was one of the few Republicans to serve on the select committee investigating the Capitol attack and willing to criticize former President Trump.
The Department of Justice has since charged Trump in connection with his efforts to remain in power, despite losing the 2020 presidential race.
snytiger6 9 Dec 4

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Kudos to Liz Cheney for her work on the Jan 6 Committee. How she managed to have any integrity left after being a Republican voting with Trump >90% of the time. What a fucked up planet.

I'll give her the props due her for standing up to Trump and working to investigate and punish those involved in the insurrection, but I will never trust her enough to vote for her as a third party candidate for prez, which she has appeared to be doing for some time now. And that's because, as you said Howard, she voted with Trump almost all the time, and I can't ignore my differences with her on policy, simply because she has way more integrity than other Repubs, and even most Dems, in DC. I am sorry her integrity cost her a political career, it seems, but I am not going to get suckered into supporting someone, just because they aren't Trump or they oppose Trump, if they are going to promote all the other policies of Trump, except fascism. We need and deserve better than that.

Since I live in a deeply red state that is going to go heavily for Trump, I will use my mostly worthless vote, for Jill Stein, most likely, simply because I support her completely on policy, which is almost always my most important criteria for voting, and also for her integrity, which is just as great as Cheney's, which is a lower priority for me, in voting. We seldom get the luxury of voting for candidates that meet our criteria for policy, integrity, and a record that backs up or aligns with their campaign promises.

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