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QUESTION Father John Misty - Pure Comedy [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Over the last couple of years I've found many of my musical heroes have turned out to be super religious or believers in nonsense like anti-vax. So I started hunting out secular musicians. There's a lot of great content out there, what would you suggest? To start it off, here's Father John Misty singing Pure Comedy...

DavidUK 5 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Really liked song and accompanying video. Very poignant showing how we got to where we are today politically, economically and socially.


I don't tend to judge musicians on their personal beliefs, so long as they don't try to use their art as a propaganda machine to shove their belief system down my throat.

Sufjan Stevens is an incredible talent. He's also a devout christian. I really don't give a shit about the christian part. I just love his music.

Father John Misty is also an incredible talent. And I could give less of a shit that he's an atheist.

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